Passengers enjoyed the antics of a large pod of common dolphins as they headed
southwest Saturday morning. Almost immediately after the dolphin extravaganza,
passengers viewed the courtship behavior of two or three Eastern Pacific gray
whales. As always, passengers enjoyed seeing the hundreds of sea lions, many
harbor seals and a few remaining elephant seals on The Coronados Islands. As
the tide was low, many black oyster catchers were spotted feeding on the mussels
– their favorite food. After a tour of the Islands, four more gray whales were
spotted on their northern trek. Several of the passengers expressed interest in
the upcoming blue whale trips and overnight trips to Los Coronados this summer.
Whalers Judy and Diane were happy to be on board for this terrific cruise to
the Islands.
Light rain showers Sunday morning did not dampen the passengers’ enthusiasm for
seeing at least 10 to 12 fin whales feeding; three of which ventured very close
to the vessel, allowing all to see just how large these animals truly are.
Several of these whales traveled together in a line on their search for food.
Whalers Terry and Diane had not seen so many fin whales in one location this
season and were thrilled with the sighting. A few bottlenose dolphin were seen
as we left San Diego and upon the return trip from the Islands. Sea lions,
harbor seals, elephant seals and the sea birds delighted passengers as always.
Sunny skies and a very glassy sea made for a pleasant return to San Diego, with
spouts of gray whales seen in the distance.
Submitted by Whaler Diane