February 2, 2025

The mighty Alicia has a lobster and crab hooping trip departing Monday at 6PM!  Book Here

Most of our  multi-day schedules are up and ready to book!  Look for your favorite boats schedule here

Book your next fishing adventure here  1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *


February 1, 2025

Sunday departures

  (1/2 day)  Premier departs at 6:30AM  Book Here

(3/4 day) Malihini departs at 7:30AM!  (fishing in Mexico, valid passport required) Book Here(Going for sure)

(Lobster hooping)  Alicia departing at 6PM! (Going for sure)

 1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


Click here if you are interested in a private party charter for you and your family, friends or co-workers!


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: info@hmlanding.com Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Nature Cruise January 27

January 26, 2016

An unbelievably beautiful day greeted passengers on board the Bright and Morning
Star Thursday morning.  The great Pacific Ocean was as calm as a lake.  A mixed
pod of common and Pacific White-sided dolphins appeared as we neared Los
Coronados, along with spouts of gray whales.  We all marveled at the 14 gray
whales spotted throughout the day; one pod of five took a deep dive, almost in
unison–spectacular!  The hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of sea lions on the
islands often approached the vessel as if we were “Moody’s Lunch Wagon.”  Their
dexterity, swimming and climbing ability is awesome.  A new elephant seal had
been born within the week, and was spotted nursing at Elephant Seal Cove.  Black
Oystercatchers greeted us at three of the islands, and all enjoyed seeing the
many Brown Boobies and their chicks.  Whalers Gaynell and Diane, and all the
passengers, were  sad to see their day enjoying Los Coronados and the beautiful
Pacific come to an end.  It is amazing to have such spectacular scenery, marine
mammals and birds all within a day’s cruise from San Diego!

–Whaler Diane