Breaking News
August 25, 2020
Limits of Bluefin on the Old Glory ! Next departure is tonight at 9 PM.
Tuesday Morning Returns:
Ocean Odyssey 1.5 Day: 56 Bluefin Tuna (limits!)
Constitution 1.75 Day: 100 Bluefin Tuna (limits!), 250 Rockfish
Sea Adventure 80 1.75 Day: 38 Bluefin Tuna
Ranger 85 1.5 Day: 56 Bluefin Tuna (limits!), 17 Yellowtail, 12 Bonito
Quit Wishing. GO FISHING!
departing tonight:
Old Glory Overnight: 9 PM: $270: Book It!
Producer Overnight: 9 PM: $295: Book It!
Looking for Something Else?
See the Complete Calendar Here!
August 24th 2020
The Ocean Odyssey has Limits of Bluefin!
The Constitution just called in with 81 Bluefin Tuna 25lb-30lb. Captain Keith is reporting great weather!
The Sea Adventure 80 has 15 Bluefin Tuna (30lb-40lb) so far this morning for their 1.75 Day Trip!
The Ranger 85 called in with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna up to 80 lbs and still fishing!
The Excalibur is retruning from a 1.5 day trip with 40 Bluefin!
The Legend returned this morning from their 2.5 day trip with 280 Yellowtail, 110 Dorado and 3 Yellowfin Tuna!Don’t Miss Out! Book Now!
The Producer on their overnight caught 35 Yellowtail and 5 Dorado! The Producer and Old Glory both have room on tonight’s overnight! Book Here
August 23, 2020
The Old Glory has Limits of Dorado on their Ovenight Trip!
The Producer has Limits of Dorado on their Ovenight Trip!
The Malihini just called in with Limits of Dorado for their Full Day Trip!
The Constitution returned this morning with Limits of Dorado and 12 Yellowtail!
The Ocean Odyssey returned this morning with Limits of Dorado and 145 Yellowtail!
The Ranger 85 returned this morning with Limits of Dorado, 109 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Yellowfin Tuna and 10 Yellowtail!
The Top Gun 80 returned this morning with Limits of Bluefin Tuna and 37 Yellowtail!
The Spirit of Adventure Limits of Bluefin Tuna and 30 Yellowtail!
August 22, 2020
hot, Hot, HOT!
Beautiful Sunny Skies, Flat Calm Sea, and Limits of Dorado! Can it get any better??
32 Bluefin better for the Ranger 85 – with a whole day ahead to put more on deck! Ranger 85 1.5 Day departs tomorrow, Sunday at 9 PM. $425. Lots of availability! Beat the Heat- Book Your Hot Trip Today!
on the water:
Ranger 85 2.5 Day: 32 Bluefin Tuna, 120 (limit!) Dorado
Ocean Odyssey 1.5 Day: 58 Dorado (limit!) , 145 (limits!) Yellowtail
Producer: Overnight: 50 Dorado (limit!)
Old Glory: Overnight: 60 Dorado (limits), 2 Yellowtail
Constitution: 1.5 Day: 50 Dorado (limits), 4 Yellowtai
Poseidon: Overnight: 50 Dorado (limits), 4 Yellowtail
Voodoo and Daiwa Pacific both had LIMITS of Dorado on their overnight trips!
Spirit of Adventure: 1.5 Day: 30 Bluefin (limits) and 30 Yellowtail!
Mustang: 1.5 Day: 39 Yellowtail (20-40 pounfd), 50 Dorado (limits)! Book Here Mon. and Wed. 1.5 day trips are fishing the Cortez/Tanner banks for Bluefin and bigger Yellowtail!
There are a few available spots open on Excalibur and Ocean Odyssey 1.5 Day trips and plenty open on Producer Overnight trip- all departing Sunday! Check out our trip calendar and Get Yours!
August 21, 2020
The Old Glory caught LIMITS of Dorado and 2 Yellowtail on their overnight trip!
The Excalibur caught 54 Bluefin, 53 Dorado, 14 Yellowtail and 35 Bonito for their 2 day trip!
The Constitution on their overnight caught LIMITS of Dorado and 35 Yellowtail!
The Sea Adventure 80 for their 1st of 2.5 days have LIMITS of Dorado!
The Ocean Odyssey and Poseidon are back at the dock with 104 Dorado (limits) and 260 Yellowtail (limits).
August 20, 2020
Fishing is off the hook
We have just added a new trip the Poseidon has an overnight trip departing Friday night fishing offshore! Book Here
The Old Glory has LIMITS of Dorado for today’s overnight trip
The Ocean Odyssey caught LIMITS of Dorado and LIMITS of Yellowtail for their 1.5 day trip today!
The Daiwa Pacific had LIMITS of Dorado and 41 Yellowtail!
The Poseidon caught LIMITS of Dorado and LIMITS of Yellowtail!
Voodoo: 2.5 Day: 60 Yellowtail (limits!), 24 Dorado (limits!)
Top Gun 80: 2.5 Day: 240 Yellowtail (limits!), 96 Dorado (limits!), 71 Bluefin Tuna
Ranger 85: 1.5 Day: 73 Yellowtail, 52 Dorado
Constitution: 1.75 Day: 191 Yellowtail, 96 Dorado (limits!)
Thats a total combined catch of 564 Yellowtail, 268 Dorado and 71 Bluefin Tuna for 79 Passengers!
Get in on the Action- Book Now!
August 19, 2020
Excellent fishing for Dorado and Yellowtail today!
42 Dorado (Limits!) in Old Glory’s fish hold before 10 AM!
morning returns:
Excalibur 2.5 Day: 270 Yellowtail (limits!), 108 Dorado (limits!)
Sea Adventure 80 2.5 Day: 150 Yellowtail (limits!), 60 Dorado (limits!)
Ocean Odyssey 2.5 Day: 260 Yellowtail (limits!), 104 Dorado (limits!)
Don’t Let Your Trip be “the One That Got Away!”
Check Out thed Trip Calendar and Book Today!
August 18, 2020
We Love the Smell of Fish in the Morning!
Constitution, Legend, Ranger 85 returned this morning with 328 Yellowtail, 193 Dorado, 220 RockFish, 3 LingCod, 1 White SeaBass, and 24 Yellowfin Tuna total combined Catch!
Returning boats tonight:
Old Glory (overnight) 49 Yellowtail
Producer (overnight) 23 Yellowtail
Mustang (2 day) 60 Dorado, 21 Yellowtail
Poseidon (2 day) 96 Dorado, 55 Yellowtail
Grande (full day) 4 Bluefin 41 Yellowtail
Quit Wishing! Go Fishing!
departing tonight:
Ranger 85 1.5 Day: 9 PM: $425: A DEFINITE GO! Book Now
Producer Overnight: 9 PM: $295: A DEFINITE GO! Book Now
Old Glory Overnight: 9 PM: $270: A DEFINITE GO! Book Now
departing Wednesday:
Poseidon 1.5 day: 8 PM: $395.00 A DEFINITE GO! Book Now
Old Glory Overnight: 9 PM $270 A DEFINITE GO! Book Now
Producer Overnight: 9 PM: $295.00 Book Now
Something for Everyone and Daily Departures
See the Complete Trip Calendar Here
August 17, 2020
It’s Manic Monday the fish are biting!
The Producer has 35 Yellowtail (20-40 pounds)
The Old Glory caught 29 Yellowtail up to 35 pounds also reporting great weather!
The Old Glory and Producer both have room on tonight’s overnight trips! Book Now
The Sea Adventure 80 is going strong with limits of Dorado and limits of Yellowtail for 1st of 2.5 day rrip!
The Ocean Odyssey so far have 52 Dorado and 30+ Yellowtail for their 1st day of 2.5!
The Ranger 85 is also into the fish today so far they have 24 Yellowfin, 33 Dorado and limits of Yellowtail!
The Grande has 60+ Yellowtail on their first day back to the islands with beautiful weather!
The Legend has 12 Yellowtail and limits of Dorado!
The Poseidon has limits of Dorado and 50 Yellowtail for their 1st of 2 days!
The Mustang has limits of Dorado and 12 Yellowtail for their 1st day of their 2 day trip! The Mustang has a 1.75 day trip departing on Wednesday! Book Here
August 15, 2020
The H&M Fleet is Gone Fishing…
We look forward to bringing you news from on the water and fish counts as we hear from our Fleet throughout the day.
Check back for updates and final catch reports!
Ranger 85 1.75 Day departs Sunday at 11 AM. $450. This trip is a definite go! You know you want to– JUST BOOK IT!
August 14, 2020
Morning Returns:
Constitution 1.5 Day: 36 Bluefin, 1 Yellowfin
Ranger 85 2.5 Day: 44 Bluefin, 1 Yellowfin
Sea Adventure 80 1.5 Day: 8 Bluefin
Top Gun 80 3.5 Day: 84 Bluefin, 55 Yellowtail
August 12, 2020
Book Now, Brag Later!
morning returns:
Excalibur 2.5 Day: 96 Bluefin Tuna, 9 Yellowfin Tuna
Constitution 1.75 Day: 69 Bluefin Tuna, 8 Yellowfin Tuna
available departures:
Sea Adventure 80 1.5 Day: 8 PM: $425: ONLY A FEW OPEN! Book It
Overnight: 9PM: $295/$270: Book It
Overnight: 9PM: $295/$270: Book It
Full Day: Offshore (no passport needed): 5:30 AM: $200: Book It
1/2 Day: Local: 6:30 AM and 1 PM: $65/$75: Book It
See the Complete Trip Calendar Here
August 11, 2020
The Old Glory caught 12 Bluefin for their 12 Anglers!
The Excalibur has LIMITS (for both days) Bluefin Tuna and 8 Yellowfin Tuna for their 2.5 Day trip so far!
The are a GO FOR SURE tomorrow night 08/12 with only 8 people!
Morning Returns:
Legend 1.75 Day: 112 Bluefin Tuna, 11 Yellowfin Tuna
Poseidon 1.5 Day: 43 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowfin Tuna
Today’s available departures:
Ocean Odyssey 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $435: Book It!
Old Glory Overnight: 9 PM: 270: Book It! (Going for sure)
Departing Daily:
Grande Full Day: 5:30 AM: $200: Book It!
Premier 1/2 Day: 6:30 AM / 1 PM: $65 weekdays/$75 weekends: Book It!
See the Complete Trip Calendar Here!
August 10, 2020
Captains are reporting good fishing today!
The Legend caught (LIMITS) 112 Bluefin Tuna and 11 Yellowfin on their 1.75 day trip!
The Poseidon on their 1.5 day trip caught 43 Bluefin (20-40 pounds) and 2 Yellowfin (40-60 pounds)!
The Excalibur called in with 21 Bluefin Tuna so far!
The Old Glory called in with 39 Yellowtail ranging 20-25lbs
The Producer caught 17 Bluefin Tuna.
The Ocean Odyssey returned this morning with 49 Bluefin Tuna.
The Old Glory is a definite go for tonight’s overnight trip! Book Here at this time it is a very light load!
August 9, 2020
The Ocean Odyssey called in 49 Bluefin Tuna tonight!
Tonight’s hot trip:
Lots of room on the Producer Overnight departing 9 PM Book Now!
August 8, 2020
Upcoming Departures:
TONIGHT: Spots still available on the Poseidon Overnight trip departing at 9 PM Book Now!
August 9th:
Mustang Overnight trip departing 9 PM Book Now!
Sea Adventure 80 Overnight trip LIMITED LOAD departing 8 PM Book Now!
Producer Overnight departing 9 PM Book Now!
Ranger 85 1.5 day departing 9 PM Book Now!
August 10th
Relentless 1.5 day departing 9 PM LIMITED 20 Anglers! Book Now!
Producer Overnight trip departing 9 PM Book Now!
Old Glory Overnight trip departing 9 PM Book Now!
August 11th
Ocean Odyssey 1.5 day trip departing 7 PM Book Now!
Producer Overnight trip departing 9 PM Book Now!
Old Glory Overnight trip departing 9 PM Book Now!
View Our Complete Trip Calendar HERE
August 6, 2020
Top Gun 80 returned this morning with 35 Bluefin Tuna, 4 Yellowfin Tuna, 11 Yellowtail, and 1 Dorado.
Mustang Overnight has been added to tonights departure schedule. $270. Book Now.
August 5, 2020
Morning Returns:
Excalibur 2.5 Day: 21 Bluefin Tuna, 19 Yellowfin Tuna, 53 Yellowtail, 1 Dorado
Ocean Odyssey 2.5 Day: 27 Bluefin Tuna, 20 Yellowfin Tuna, 22 Yellowtail, 1 Dorado
Sea Adventure 80 2.5: 23 Bluefin Tuna, 12 Yellowfin Tuna, 16 Yellowtail, 1 Dorado, 10 Bonito
Relentless 1.5 Day: 22 Bluefin Tuna, 18 Yellowfin Tuna