Breaking News
October 14, 2021
The Sea Adventure 80 has 4 openings on a 3 day trip departing Friday morning at 10AM! (No passport needed) BOOK HERE
The Grande has lots of room departing Friday morning at 5:30AM fishing the Coronado Islands! (Passport required) BOOK HERE
On the water report:
The Producer caught 2 Bluefin Tuna, 37 Yellowtail and 1 Bonito! BOOK HERE
October 11, 2021
Morning returns:
Legend returned this morning with LIMITS of Dorado and 82 Yellowtail on their 3 day trip!
October 8, 2021
Legend 1.5 Day returned with 145 Yellowtail and 58 Dorado! LIMITS and LIMITS!
Old Glory Overnight is on the water with 34 Dorado in the hold! LIMITS!
Producer Overnight has 54 Dorado! LIMITS!
October 7, 2021
morning returns:
Excalibur 2.5 Day: 100 Rockfish, 60 Dorado, 8 Bluefin Tuna
Ranger 85 3.5 Day: 32 Bluefin Tuna, 29 Dorado, 5 Yellowfin Tuna
Grande 1.5 Day: 12 Bluefin Tuna (including 4 over 100 lbs and 1 ‘cow’)
October 6, 2021
It Ain’t Over!
It’s easy to think of summer months as “the season,” but the fall months-September, October, even November bring our San Diego fleet some of the best catching each year!
So, c’mon- Let’s Go!
** 1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day * Complete Calendar **
Book Today!
October 3, 2021
Morning returns:
Legend pulled in 48 Bluefin Tuna 1 Yellowfin and a Yellowtail!
Ocean Odyssey returned with 75 Bluefin and a Yellowfin!
Ranger 85 had 73 Bluefin Tuna and 5 Yellowtail!
Constitution landed 30 Bluefin!
On the water:
Daiwa Pacific (Overnight) LIMITS of Dorado, 2 Yellowfin, 43 Yellowtail and 2 Skipjack!
October 2, 2021
Old Glory: 72 Dorado (LIMITS), 2 Yellowtail and 3 Skipjack!
Daiwa Pacific: 40 Dorado (Limits), 100 Yellowtail (Limits)
Grande: 67 Yellowtail, 2 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowfin and 1 Skipjack!
Vendetta II: 47 Yellowtail and 1 Bluefin Tuna!
September 29, 2021
Ranger 85 returned from a 1.5 Day Trip with 60 Bluefin Tuna – LIMITS!
The Old Glory finished with 65 Bluefin Tuna, 5 Yellowfin Tuna, 8 Dorado and 23 Skipjack on their 2-day trip!
The Ocean Odyssey called in with 49 Bluefin Tuna, 88 Yellowfin Tuna, 4 Dorado and 4 Yellowtail on their 2.5 day trip!
The Grande caught Limits of Bluefin Tuna, 1 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Yellowtail on their 1.5 day trip!
There’s Still Plenty of Season Remaining in 2021!
So Quit Wishing and Go FISHING!
Check Out the Trip Calendar and Book Today!
September 28, 2021
Any Day is Taco Tuesday at H&M Landing!
Catch Yours – Book a Trip Today!
The Legend caught 142 Bluefin Tuna, 31 Yellowfin Tuna, 2 Yellowtail and 24 Skipjack on their 3-day trip!
The Old Glory has Limits of Bluefin Tuna on their first day of a two day!
The Producer has 45 Yellowfin Tuna, Limits of Dorado and 13 Skipjack on their overnight trip today!
morning returns:
Grande 1.5 Day: 52 Bluefin Tuna (LIMITS!)
Top Gun 80 2.5 Day: 100 Bluefin Tuna (LIMITS!)
Excalibur 3 Day: 104 Bluefin Tuna, 150 Rockfish, 4 Yellowtail
Producer Overnight called in 36 Dorado (Limits)
Join us in asking Governor Newsom to Save Sportfishing
Your Friends.. Your Day.. Your Boat.. Your Fish Story… Your 2022 Custom Created Trip!
Contact our Team for Information on Booking a Whole Boat Charter!
Make Next Season YOURS.
September 27, 2021
On the water:
Producer has LIMITS of Dorado, 40 Yellowfin Tuna and 9 Skipjack for 28 anglers! The Producer is running for sure departing tonight at 9PM! Book Here
The Malihini caught LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna and 21 Skipjack! The Malihini is running for sure for Tuesday’s full day departing at 5:30AM! Book Here
The Top Gun 80 has LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna for their 2.5 day trip! Book Here for their next availability!
The Daiwa Pacific has LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna and LIMITS of Skipjack! Book Here
The Grande on their 1.5 day trip caught LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna! Book Here
Morning returns:
Ranger 85 pulled in 132 Bluefin Tuna and 22 Yellowtail on their 2.5 day! Book Here
Sea Adventure 80 returned from a 1.5 day with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna! Book Here
The Ocean Odyssey returned from a 1.5 day with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna! Book Here
September 26, 2021
It was a mixed bag of fish on today’s trips!
On the water:
Producer 58 Dorado (Limits), and 6 Skipjack! (Overnight)
Grande 33 Yellowfin Tuna, 36 Skipjack! (Full day)
Daiwa Pacific 40 Bluefin Tuna and 38 Yellowtail! (Overnight)
Old Glory 16 Bluefin Tuna, 3 Yellowfin Tuna and 3 Skipjack! (Overnight)
Malihini 25 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Skipjack! (Full day)
Ranger 85 is coming back from their 2.5 day trip with 132 Bluefin Tuna (Limits) and 22 Yellowtail!
morning returns:
Constitution returned from a 2.5 day with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna for 18 anglers!
Poseidon returned from a 2.5 day with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna and 3 Yellowfin for 25 anglers!
Reel Champion returned from a 1.5 day their 4 anglers caught 4 Bluefin Tuna!!
September 25, 2021
The Constitution caught Limits of Bluefin Tuna on their 2.5 day trip!!!
The Old Glory caught 27 Bluefin Tuna and 8 Yellowfin Tuna on their overnight trip today!
It Ain’t Over!
It’s easy to think of summer months as “the season,” but the fall months-September, October, even November bring our San Diego fleet some of the best catching each year!
So, c’mon- Let’s Go!
** 1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day * Complete Calendar **
Book Today!
morning returns:
Excalibur 2.5 Day: 108 Bluefin Tuna (Limits!)
Daiwa Pacific 1.5 Day: 32 Bluefin Tuna
September 24, 2021
morning returns:
Ocean Odyssey 1.5 Day: 45 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Yellowtail
Ranger 85 3.5 Day: 113 Bluefin Tuna, 5 Yellowtail, 2 Yellowfin Tuna
September 23, 2021
Morning Returns:
Grande 1.5 Day: 60 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowtail
Legend 1.5 Day: 51 Bluefin Tuna
Constitution 1.5 Day: 56 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Yellowfin Tuna
Join us in asking Governor Newsom to Save Sportfishing
September 22, 2021
The Excalibur returned this morning with 92 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowfin Tuna and 5 Yellowtail!
The Grande caught Limits of Bluefin Tuna and 2 Yellowtail on their 1-1/2 day trip today!
The Old Glory caught 75 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowfin Tuna and 5 Yellowtail on their 2-day trip!
The Poseidon caught 46 Bluefin Tuna and 15 Yellowfin Tuna on their 2.5 day trip!
September 21, 2021
The Old Glory has Limits Bluefin Tuna up to 80 lbs on Day 1 of their 2 Day Trip!
The Poseidon has Limits of Bluefin tuna and 15 Yellowfin Tuna on day 2 of their 2.5 day trip!
The Constitution returned this morning with 45 Bluefin Tuna!
The Ocean Odyssey returned this morning with 126 Yellowfin Tuna!
The Jig Strike returned this morning with 55 Yellowfin Tuna!
September 20, 2021
The Yellowfin are here!
The Daiwa Pacific returned for a 1.5 with 54 Yellowfin and 3 Yellowtail!
The Old Glory 28 Yellowfin!
The Producer 45 Yellowfin!
The Ocean Odyssey is on their 1.5 day last we heard they have 126 Yellowfin!
The Jig Strike on their 1.5 day caught 55 Yellowfin (limits)!
And don’t forget about those Bluefin Tuna, the Ranger 85 returned from a 3.5 day with 64 Bluefin and 3 Yellowtail!
There is lots of fishing left this year! Book your favorite trip here!
And don”t forget about those Bluefin Tuna, the Ranger 85 ret
September 18, 2021
Join us in asking Governor Newsom to Save Sportfishing
On the Water:
Producer has LIMITS of Yellowfin tuna for the day before noon!
The Old Glory caught 41 Yellowfin Tuna, 6 Bluefin Tuna and 14 Skipjack today!
The Poseidon has 28 Bluefin Tuna so far on their firs day of a 2 day trip!