Breaking News
April 30, 2022
The Grande caught 18 Bluefin Tuna on their FULL DAY trip today!
Grande is a Go For Sure tomorrow make sure to book for a chance to catch bluefin in that full day range
April 29, 2022
Legend returned from their 1.5 day trip with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna !! ( up to 80 lbs)
Old Glory returned from their 1.5 day trip with 39 Bluefin Tuna up to 101 lbs !!
April 28, 2022
Captain Steve Taft on the Legend just called in and he is on the fish again! As of this morning they have 42 Bluefin Tuna with fish hanging. Stay tuned we will keep you posted. Book the Legend here
April 27, 2022
The Legend returned this morning with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna for their 22 anglers! They are sold out for tonight but check out their next open trip HERE
April 26, 2022
LIMITS of Bluefin back at the dock with Old Glory.
Don’t Miss the Bluefin Boat! Get in on the Action!
Book your Spring Season Deep-Sea Adventure Today!
April 25, 2022
The Excalibur returned from their 1.75 day trip with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna and three Yellowtail for 26 anglers!!!
Book your next Excalibur trip HERE
April 24, 2022
The Old Glory returned this morning with 58 Bluefin tuna up to 100+ lbs!!! They have a few spots left for their 1.5 day trip departing tonight, book HERE
April 22, 2022
the Old Glory Fish Story?
LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna. 52 – all weighing in at 25-45 lbs.
Your Fish Story Starts Here!
April 21, 2022
The Legend returned this morning with limits of Bluefin Tuna up to 81 pounds!
April 20, 2022
On the water update:
The Legend called in with 35 Bluefin up to 80 pounds for 24 anglers!!! They are still fishing on their 1.5 day trip. Book a future Legend trip HERE
The Vendetta 2 went out on a full day today and is heading back in with 14 Bluefin! As always, they are looking for more on the way in! Contact the Landing to privately charter this vessel.
Departing tonight:
The Old Glory is heading out tonight for a 1.5 day trip. They only have a few spots left! Don’t miss out on a chance for some Bluefin fishing!
Book Old Glory HERE
April 19, 2022
On the water update:
The Daiwa Pacific called in with 20 Bluefin in the 35-50 lb. range for 13 anglers on their 1.5 day trip! They are still on the hunt for some more! Book an upcoming Daiwa Pacific trip HERE
April 18, 2022
Don’t miss out…
The Daiwa Pacific has spots left for their LIMITED LOAD 1.5 day trip departing tonight! Don’t miss this opportunity to get in on some Bluefin! Book HERE
April 17, 2022
Morning Returns:
The Legend returned with 44 Bluefin for 24 anglers
Book Legend
The Excalibur returned with 29 Bluefin for 29 anglers
Book Excalibur
The Old Glory returned with 17 Bluefin and 8 Bonito for 29 anglers
Book Old Glory
We just added the Daiwa Pacific departing Monday night for a 1.5 day trip and its a definite go! Book Here
(Captain Steve of the Legend with one of the many happy anglers)
April 16, 2022
On the Water:
9:55 AM : Legend and Excalibur have a combined total of 47 Bluefin Tuna in the hold! Both boats departed last night on 1.5 Day Trips and still have a whole day of fishing before it’s time to wind up that last line and head home.
Check Back for Updates and Final Catch Reports!
April 15, 2022
Old Glory returned with 18 Bluefin and Legend with 5 Bluefin.
Captains tell us despite low catch counts on these trip- things look good on the water moving ahead. Schools are definitely in the area and appear to be transitioning to a daytime bite. Colt Snipers and smaller Flat Falls should be in your tackle box!
Don’t Miss the Boat!
April 14, 2022
Early report from the Old Glory so far 9 Bluefin and on the hunt for more! Sunday’s 1.5 still has openings! (Book Here)
Lots of other 1.5 day trips and longer click on this link!
The Grande has room Friday-Sunday of this weekend! Book Here They will be fishing the Coronado Island looking for Yellowtail! (Passport required)
The Premier also has room for the rest of the week and thru the weekend departing at 6:30AM and 1:00PM! Book Here
April 11, 2022
Every boat fishing the Tuna grounds last weekend caught LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna as well as some good scores of Yellowtail!
We have the Old Glory departing this Wednesday night for a 1.5 day trip and another 1.5 day departing Sunday night! Book Here
There are lots of other trips scheduled for Bluefin fishing. Click on this link to view our trip calendar!
The Grande is fishing full day trips out to the Coronado Islands departing daily at 5:30AM! (Passport required) Book Here
The Premier departs daily at 6:30AM or 1:00PM for fishing in the local kelp beds around Point Loma! Book Here