February 2, 2025

The mighty Alicia has a lobster and crab hooping trip departing Monday at 6PM!  Book Here

Most of our  multi-day schedules are up and ready to book!  Look for your favorite boats schedule here

Book your next fishing adventure here  1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *


February 1, 2025

Sunday departures

  (1/2 day)  Premier departs at 6:30AM  Book Here

(3/4 day) Malihini departs at 7:30AM!  (fishing in Mexico, valid passport required) Book Here(Going for sure)

(Lobster hooping)  Alicia departing at 6PM! (Going for sure)

 1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


Click here if you are interested in a private party charter for you and your family, friends or co-workers!


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: info@hmlanding.com Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Breaking News

May 8, 2022


Legend returned from a 2.5 trip with 52 bluefin tuna up to 180lbs!!

The 1.75 day trip on Excalibur came back with 35 Bluefin tuna!!



May 6, 2022

Quit Wishing – GO FISHING!

Excalibur returned this morning with 48 Bluefin Tuna (LIMITS!) , 3 Yellowtail, and 1 Bonito!

H&M Landing is West Coast Sportfishing’s ORIGINAL and Largest Fleet

with Something for Everyone and Daily Departures

1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar

Book Your Deep-Sea Adventure Today!

May 4, 2022

On the water update:

The Grande called in with 7 Bluefin Tuna! Two of them are about 190 pounds!!! They have five more hooked up and they’re some big ones as well. The captain cannot emphasize enough the importance of having HEAVY GEAR! These fish are ranging in size and require the proper gear.

Book a Grande trip HERE

The Legend called in with Limits of Bluefin Tuna and 22 Yellowtail!

The Excalibur is a GO FOR SURE tonight with spots open!


May 3, 2022

The Grande has six Bluefin Tuna and a bonito on their full day trip!!! These tuna are up to 80 lbs. and require some heavier gear. The tackle shop has rental equipment for this larger fish if needed. The captain highly encourages passengers to have heavier equipment based on the fish that they are seeing. Lighter equipment is not enough.

The Grande is GOING FOR SURE tomorrow through Saturday book HERE


The Excalibur is running a 1.5 day trip tomorrow night with spots still open! Don’t miss out on your chance to target some Bluefin book HERE


May 2, 2022

On The Water Update…

The Grande finished their day with 14 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowtail and 1 Bonito!  They have a trip going tomorrow with a low number of anglers that is GOING FOR SURE! Book HERE

The Top Gun Returns…

On their first trip of the season the Top Gun 80 returned from a 2.5 day with 90 Bluefin Tuna! They weighed in up to 178 lbs. with nine being over 100 lbs!!!

Book a Top Gun 80 trip HERE


May 1, 2022

 The Grande on their full day trip today caught 18 Bluefin Tuna up to 120 pounds!  The Grande is going for sure on Monday’s full day departing at 5:30AM! Book Here

The Excalibur returned this morning with 35 Bluefin Tuna for 27 anglers up to 160 lbs. with 9 over

130 lbs!!!

Book an Excalibur trip HERE

The Legend returned with 16 Bluefin Tuna for their 24 anglers!

Book a Legend trip HERE

The Old Glory caught 11 Bluefin Tuna up to 165 pounds! Book Here





April 30, 2022


 The Grande caught 18 Bluefin Tuna on their FULL DAY trip today!

Grande is a Go For Sure tomorrow make sure to book for a chance to catch bluefin in that full day range

Book Here 


April 29, 2022

Legend  returned from their 1.5 day trip with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna !! ( up to 80 lbs)

Old Glory returned from their 1.5 day trip with 39 Bluefin Tuna up to 101 lbs !! 


April 28, 2022

Captain Steve Taft on the Legend just called in and he is on the fish again!  As of this morning they have 42 Bluefin Tuna with fish hanging.  Stay tuned we will keep you posted.  Book the Legend here


April 27, 2022

The Legend returned this morning with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna for their 22 anglers! They are sold out for tonight but check out their next open trip HERE


April 26, 2022

LIMITS of Bluefin back at the dock with Old Glory.

Don’t Miss the Bluefin Boat! Get in on the Action!

Book your Spring Season Deep-Sea Adventure Today!

April 25, 2022

The Excalibur returned from their 1.75 day trip with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna and three Yellowtail for 26 anglers!!!

Book your next Excalibur trip HERE


April 24, 2022

The Old Glory returned this morning with 58 Bluefin tuna up to 100+ lbs!!! They have a few spots left for their 1.5 day trip departing tonight, book HERE

April 22, 2022

the Old Glory Fish Story?

LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna. 52 – all weighing in at 25-45 lbs.

Your Fish Story Starts Here!


April 21, 2022

The Legend returned this morning with limits of Bluefin Tuna up to 81 pounds!

April 20, 2022

On the water update: 

The Legend called in with 35 Bluefin up to 80 pounds for 24 anglers!!! They are still fishing on their 1.5 day trip. Book a future Legend trip HERE

The Vendetta 2 went out on a full day today and is heading back in with 14 Bluefin! As always, they are looking for more on the way in! Contact the Landing to privately charter this vessel.

Departing tonight:

The Old Glory is heading out tonight for a 1.5 day trip. They only have a few spots left! Don’t miss out on a chance for some Bluefin fishing!

Book Old Glory HERE




April 19, 2022

On the water update:

The Daiwa Pacific called in with 20 Bluefin in the 35-50 lb. range for 13 anglers on their 1.5 day trip! They are still on the hunt for some more! Book an upcoming Daiwa Pacific trip HERE

April 18, 2022

Don’t miss out…

The Daiwa Pacific has spots left for their LIMITED LOAD 1.5 day trip departing tonight! Don’t miss this opportunity to get in on some Bluefin! Book HERE