March 10, 2025

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above

$50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!


Old Glory (2 Days) Departing at 10AM on March 14th, 21st and the 28th! Fishing down the Baja Coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod!  (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here

Producer (2.5 Days) Departing at 7PM on March 21st and March 28th!  Fishing Offshore for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail! (No passport needed) Book the Producer here

Horizon (1.5 Days) Departing at 6PM on March 21st and March 28th!  Fishing Colonet for Rock cod Ling cod and possibly Yellowtail! (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here

We have 1/2 day trips scheduled every day this week! Book your 1/2 day trip here

3/4 day trips fishing in Mexico for Rock cod departs on Saturdays and Sundays at 7:30AM! (Passport is REQUIRED)  Book Here

Lobster Season ends on the 18th!  There are still openings throughout the remaining days! Book Here


March 6, 2025

Come see us at the Pacific Coast Sportfishing Festival Thursday-Sunday! Click here for times and schedules!

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!

The Old Glory has a 2 day departing Friday at 10AM!  They will be fishing freelance down the Mexican coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod! Book Here

The Horizon is GOING FOR SURE on their 1.5 day trip to Colonet leaving Friday at 6PM!  Book Here

Both the above mentioned trips require VALID PASSPORTS!

 1/2 Day  * Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Breaking News

July 4th, 2022

Happy Fourth of July!!!

The Ocean Odyssey has called in with LIMITS of Yellowtail for their first of a 2.5 day trip!  Book your Ocean Odyssey trip here

The Daiwa Pacific returned this morning with 15 Dorado, 3 Yellowtail and 67 Bonito!

Book Daiwa Pacific HERE

The Ranger 85 docked with 3 Bluefin Tuna, 4 Dorado, 67 Yellowtail and 2 Bonito!

Book Ranger 85 HERE

The Sea Adventure 80 returned with a Yellowfin Tuna, 2 Dorado and 120 Yellowtail!

Book Sea Adventure 80 HERE 

The Legend caught 6 Bluefin Tuna and 21 Bonito!

Book Legend HERE

July 3, 2022

On the Water Update:

The Daiwa Pacific called in 60+ Bonito and one Dorado! They are on the hunt for more fish but seeing a lot of action! Book a Daiwa Pacific trip HERE

The Sea Adventure 80 has over 100 Yellowtail on the boat! They have a 1.75 day trip leaving tomorrow July 4th with spots available! Book Sea Adventure HERE

Morning returns:

The Constitution returned from their 2.5 day trip with 2 Yellowfin Tuna, 14 Dorado, 166 Yellowtail and 33 Bonito!  Book the Constitution Here

Upcoming trip this week:

Sea Adventure 80:  1.75 day departing at 11AM on 7-4-22  Book Here

Constitution:  1.5 day departing at 7PM on 7-5-22  Book Here

Poseidon:  2 day departing at 8PM on 7-5-22  Book Here

Ranger 85:  2.5 day trip departing at 8PM on 7-5-22  Book Here

Sea Adventure 80:  3.5 day departing at 6PM 7-6-22  Book Here

Daiwa Pacific:  1.5 day departing 8PM 7-6-22  Book Here

Poseidon 2.5 day departing 8PM 7-7-22   Book Here

The Old Glory and Producer are scheduled for overnight trips all this week and through the weekend!  Book Here

 The Grande, Malihini and Vendetta 2 are all fishing the Coronado Islands this week (Passport required)   Book Here

The Premier departs daily for 1/2 day fishing at 6:30AM and 1PM!  Book Here

For a complete list of all our trips click on this link!


July 2, 2022

Captain Junior from the Old Glory reported they have 7 Dorado so far and seeing good numbers of  Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna.  Tomorrow’s outlook  looks good!  The Old Glory has lots of room tonight and for the rest of the week!  Book Here

This is 5 Year old Ethan’s first Dorado.  Another satisficed customer for the Old Glory!  You can bring your kids out and they can catch one too!

Check out our complete list of all our trips here

July 1, 2022

Good looking Dorado caught on the Nautilus Full Day!!! To book a private charter aboard the Nautilus contact H&M Landing!

Morning Returns:

Little G1 Yellowfin tuna, 3 Dorado and 92 Yellowtail  on their 3 day trip

Top Gun 801 Dorado and 157 Yellowtail (up to 34 pounds!!) on their 2.5 day trip

 Ocean Odyssey1 Dorado and 10 Yellowtail on their 1.5 day trip



June 30, 2022

The Legend returned this morning with 92 Yellowtail, 14 Yellowfin Tuna, and 20 Bonito!

Book HERE!

June 29, 2022

The Legend has called in with 7 Yellowfin Tuna and 92 Yellowtail on their 1.5 day trip.  Captain Steve Taft reported it is the biggest school of Yellowfin so far this season that he has seen.  They are still fishing, we will keep you updated!  Book Here to book a Legend trip!

OLD GLORY is a DEFINITE GO departing at 9PM tonight. BOOK NOW!

Excalibur is back from 1.5 Days Fishing with 85 Yellowtail and 70 Bonito

June 28, 2022

We Like Dorado

Morning Returns:

Alicia (1.5 Day – 7 anglers): 1 Dorado, 35 Yellowtail, 15 Bonito

Constitution (1.5 Day – 22 anglers): 110 Yellowtail, 1 Bonito

Legend (1.75 Day 28 anglers): 183 Yellowtail, 21 Bonito

We have boats with availability scheduled to depart tonight! Check out our open party calendar HERE

Don’t miss out on this Yellowtail bite!

The fish are biting at the Coronado Islands the Grande has switched their full day trips to the Islands. They will be fishing for Yellowtail, Bass, Bonito, Barracuda and Rockfish!  (Passport required)  Book Here 

The Old Glory and Producer both have overnight trips departing Wednesday night as well as the rest of the week at 9PM for overnight offshore fishing!  Book Here


June 26, 2022


The Old Glory has 35 Yellowtail and 6 Bonito! Book Here

Producer called in with 50 Yellowtail and 35 Bonito on board already!  Book Here

The Yellowtail are 15 to 20 pounds!

Both of these boats depart tonight at 9PM.  There is lots of room on both boats and they are going for sure!

The Grande is going for sure fishing offshore tomorrow (Monday) departing at 5:30AM, on the hunt for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail!  Book Here

The Premier is going for sure on both 1/2 day trips departing Monday at 6:30AM and 1PM!  Book your 1/2 day trip here

The Excalibur returned with 140 Yellowtail and 20 Bonito! Book Excalibur HERE



June 25, 2022


The Little G called in with  27 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowtail and 1 Yellowfin Tuna!!!

The Daiwa Pacific  still has spots available for their 1.5 day leaving later today  Book Here


June 23, 2022

The Jig Strike just added a last minute ULTRA LIMITED LOAD trip departing tomorrow night!!! They have 6 spots open don’t miss out book HERE

June 22, 2022

Morning returns:

The Legend on a 1.5 day trip brought back 22 Bluefin tuna!

The Ocean Odyssey, also on a 1.5 day trip, came back with 18 Bluefin tuna!

June 21, 2022


On the water update:

Excalibur has 25 Bluefin on the boat on day 2 of their 3 day trip! Book the next Excalibur trip HERE

Grande has 6 Bluefin on the boat for their full day trip with some more hanging! Book a Grande trip HERE

The Top Gun 80 called in with an on the water update of over 30 Bluefin! They are still looking for more before they return tomorrow morning!

Book a Top Gun 80 trip HERE 

Morning Returns:

Producer 1.5 Day:     16 Bluefin Tuna

Legend 1.5 Day:     20 Bluefin Tuna, 4 Yellowtail, 1 Bonito

Constitution 1.75 Day:     10 Bluefin Tuna, 5 Yellowtail

Don’t Miss Your Boat – Book a Trip Today!

1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar

June 20, 2022

Light load, heavy fish…

Hop on a boat tonight with a light load for an opportunity to catch the big Bluefin you’ve been looking for! Check out our open party calendar HERE


June 19, 2022


The Producer called in with an on the water update. They have hooked a lot of fish and gotten 9 Bluefin Tuna 70-100 lbs. on the boat! Make sure you have your big gear or you risk losing these bigger fish.

Producer is departing again tonight for a 1.5 day book HERE


June 18, 2022


The Malihini is fishing the Coronado Islands.  Today they caught 3 Yellowtail, 66 Calico bass, 43 Barracuda and 185 Whitefish!  The Malihini has another full day fishing the Coronado Islands departing Monday at 5:30AM.  (Passport required)  Book here

There are quite a variety of trips to choose from check out our upcoming available trips by clicking here

June 17, 2022


Excalibur returned from their 3.5 day trip with 29 Bluefin Tuna and 1 Yellowtail !!!

                                                                  Click here to book any of their upcoming trips



June 16, 2022

The Legend returned this morning with 7 Bluefin Tune between 90lb and 170lb!

June 15, 2022

Morning returns:

Daiwa Pacific 1.5 day:  34 Bluefin Tuna (LIMITS), 3 Yellowtail!

Little G 1.5 day:  6 Bluefin Tuna (6 anglers)  Click here for charter info

Departing tonight:

The Daiwa Pacific has another 1.5 day departing at 8PM!  Book your next Daiwa Pacific trip here

The Old Glory Overnight departing at 9PM!  Book Old Glory trip here