March 10, 2025

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above

$50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!


Old Glory (2 Days) Departing at 10AM on March 14th, 21st and the 28th! Fishing down the Baja Coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod!  (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here

Producer (2.5 Days) Departing at 7PM on March 21st and March 28th!  Fishing Offshore for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail! (No passport needed) Book the Producer here

Horizon (1.5 Days) Departing at 6PM on March 21st and March 28th!  Fishing Colonet for Rock cod Ling cod and possibly Yellowtail! (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here

We have 1/2 day trips scheduled every day this week! Book your 1/2 day trip here

3/4 day trips fishing in Mexico for Rock cod departs on Saturdays and Sundays at 7:30AM! (Passport is REQUIRED)  Book Here

Lobster Season ends on the 18th!  There are still openings throughout the remaining days! Book Here


March 6, 2025

Come see us at the Pacific Coast Sportfishing Festival Thursday-Sunday! Click here for times and schedules!

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!

The Old Glory has a 2 day departing Friday at 10AM!  They will be fishing freelance down the Mexican coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod! Book Here

The Horizon is GOING FOR SURE on their 1.5 day trip to Colonet leaving Friday at 6PM!  Book Here

Both the above mentioned trips require VALID PASSPORTS!

 1/2 Day  * Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Breaking News

November 10, 2016

Thanksgiving Tuna?

The Old Glory departs Friday at 8 pm for a 1-1/2 Day trip to target bigger Bluefin still within range. Book your reservation! Grab your heavy gear! Go Fishing!

Easy Catch !

Why Wait for Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

Hook up a Holiday surprise for your favorite fisherman with an H&M  Gift Certificate or something from our Shop Online.

Whale Watching begins November 23rd.

Now Booking!

Fall Fishing!

Full Day, 3/4 Day, 1/2 Day and Hoop Netting Trips scheduled to depart daily. Go Fishing!

November 9, 2016


Come out and catch yours!  The Old Glory will be departing Friday night for a 1-1/2 day trip.

They will be fishing for the “big ones”!   Bring your heavy tackle!

We have 1 day, 3/4 day, 1/2 day and Lobster hooping trips departing daily. Book a Trip Today!

Don’t forget whale watching starts on November 23rd.


November 8, 2016

Easy Catch !

Why Wait for Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

Hook up a Holiday surprise for your favorite fisherman with an H&M  Gift Certificate or something from our Shop Online.

Whale Watching begins November 23rd.

Now Booking!

Fall Fishing!

Full Day, 3/4 Day, 1/2 Day and Hoop Netting Trips scheduled to depart daily.

1-1/2 Day Trips scheduled to depart Friday nights. Captain Kley on the Old Glory will be fishing this weekend for bigger Bluefin and Yellowfin tuna.  Bring your heavy tackle, (20-60 pound test.)

Book a Trip Today!

Fisherman III honors Veterans

The Fisherman III honors Veterans !

November 7th, 2016

Something for Everyone!

Alicia came in last night with 10 Lobsters, released 23 shorts and 2 Sand Bass for only six passengers.

We have the Alicia and Jig Strike scheduled to go out tonight.

Book a Trip Today!

Full Day, 3/4 Day, 1/2 Day and Hoop Netting Trips scheduled to depart daily.

1-1/2 Day Trips scheduled to depart Friday nights.

Whale Watching begins November 23rd.

Easy Catch !

Why Wait for Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

Hook up a Holiday surprise for your favorite fisherman with an H&M  Gift Certificate or something from our Shop Online.




November 6th, 2016

Good morning,


The Old Glory returned from a 1-1/2 day with 7 Yellowfin tuna and 17 Yellowtail!

We have the Premier departing at 1pm for 1/2 day fishing.  The Alicia and Jig Strike depart at 6pm for Lobster hooping.  The Old Glory is scheduled to go at 9pm for an overnight trip!

Go to trip calendar to book your spot!

November 5th, 2016


The Daiwa Pacific caught 22 Yellowtail and 8 Yellowfin Tuna today!!!  Come out and go fishing.

Plenty of room on 1/2 day, 3/4 day, Lobster hooping & more!

Check out our trip calendar!



November 4th, 2016

The Reel Champion just checked in with 20 Yellowtail, 5 Yellowfin, and 1 Bluefin.

Definitely a lot of fish out there highly recommend light gear 15-20lb test size 2 circle hooks.

Space available on the Old Glory 1.5 day departing tonight at 8pm.

November 3, 2016

Still space available on Friday’s trips!

1/2 day departing 6:30am & 1:00pm on the Premier

3/4 day departing 5:30am on the Malihini

1.5 day departing 8:00pm on the Old Glory



November 2, 2016


Great night last night on the Alicia, bagging up 18 big lobsters for our fun group and released another 41 short lobsters to get bigger to catch at a later date. We also found some decent bass fishing while waiting in between sets.

November 2nd, 2016

 A View From the Office


Come out fishing on this beautiful day.  We have the Premier departing for 1/2 day fishing at 1pm.

November 1, 2016

The Ocean Odyssey returned this morning with 49 Yellowfin!

The Lobsters were on the crawl, the Alicia caught 13 Lobsters and released 29 Shorts!

Hot TUNA Trips Now Booking:

Friday November 4th:

8pm : 1-1/2 Day : Old Glory

9pm : 1 Day : Relentless

Departing Daily:

Full Day:     3/4 Day:     1/2 Day:     Hoop Netting

See the trip calendar for Information and Reservations

Why Wait? Start your Holiday Shopping Here & Now!





October 31, 2016

The Ocean Odyssey called in after the first drift of the trip with 40 yellowfin!  Still on fish and more biting!

The Top Gun 80 returned with 140 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Yellowtail.

Today is the last day for Kids fish free in October take advantage and book on the Premier 1/2 trip leaving today at 1:00 PM

Yesterday the Premier came in with:

AM Trip 26 Passengers, 2 Sheephead, 1 Sargo, 1 Perch and 101 Rockfish

PM Trip 18 Passengers, 1 Sheepshead, 1 Bonito and 46 Rockfish

October 30, 2016

Halloween Treat Yourself!  pumfish

Ocean Odyssey departs at 7pm tonight for 1-1/2 day

NO COSTUME REQUIRED! No Trick – Just Click!

The Top Gun 80 returns tomorrow at 5:30 am with 140 Yellowfin Tuna!

October 30, 2016


This morning we had the Ocean Odyssey come in with 42 Yellowfin tuna on their 1.5 day with 19 anglers.

Ocean Odyssey has a 1.5 Day trip departing tonight at 7:00 PM light load, GOING FOR SURE!

Alicia going out Lobster Hooping at 7:00 PM. Last night they came in with 14 Lobsters with 8 passengers!



October 29, 2016

Old Glory called in with 85 Yellowfin Tuna up to 35lb!!

The Ocean Odyssey has a 1-1/2 day departing Sunday night at 7pm (they are running for sure!), and they caught 42 Yellowfin today!

The Top Gun 80 called in at 11:15am with 30 Yellowfin Tuna to start their 2.5 Day Trip!

The Malihini is fishing the Coronado Islands today looking for Yellowtail and Rockfish!


October 28, 2016

Departing Tonight:

The Ocean Odyssey  1-1/2 day trip at 7 pm : The Old Glory 1 day trip at 9 pm.

Good Fishing! Light Loads! Book Now!


October 28, 2016

The Old Glory checked in with 58 Yellowfin Tuna for 12 Anglers on their overnight trip.

Good grade Tuna, 40lb test is recommended.

Great fish count on our half day trip yesterday.

Premier 1/2 Day AM 15 Anglers: 25 Rockfish, 2 Sheephead, 2 Bonito, 1 Lincod
Premier 1/2 Day PM 20 Anglers: 55 Rockfish, 2 Bonito, 1 Sheephead
Don’t miss out on the fun! Take advantage on this months special-Kids fish free in October!

Whale Watching starts November 23, 2016. Great adventure for the whole family!

Book Today!


October 27th , 2016

The Reel Champion is reporting great grade Yellowfin Tuna between 20-40 lbs!



Half Day and 3/4 Day departing daily get in the action!


Kids Fish Free In October! 

Malihini is back fishing the Coronado Islands. Passport required trip.