Breaking News
October 13, 2017
Today’s Fish Tales:
The Fisherman III 3/4 day trip scored 1 Dorado, 2 Yellowtail, 44 Yellowfin Tuna & 36 Skipjack!
The Ranger 85 is on the water fishing day 1 of 2-1/2 with 100 plus Yellowfin Tuna and 50 Skipjack!
The Jig Strike is fishing an overnight trip with limits of Yellowfin Tuna and Skipjack!
The Old Glory has limits of Yellowfin Tuna, 2 Dorado, 1 Yellowtail and 102 Skipjack!
Premier AM 1/2 Day caught limits of Bonito and 2 Yellowtail.
Ocean Odyssey returned this morning from a 1-1/2 day trip with 67 Yellowfin Tuna, 24 Yellowtail, 44 Dorado and 1 Bluefin Tuna.
Top Gun 80 returned this morning from a 1-1/2 trip with 45 Yellowtail and 1 Bonito.
The Legend departs at 8 PM for a 2-1/2 Day Trip.
The Mustang departs at 10 PM for an Overnight Trip.
See the Complete Departure Schedule Here!
October 12, 2017
For Reel!
Old Glory has 120 Yellowfin Tuna on board and with plenty of fishing time left in the day- they are on the hunt for Dorado, Yellowtail and other game fish. Get in on the action and book for departure tonight!
departing tonight:
Chief: 2-1/2 Day: 8 PM
Sea Adventure 80: 1-1/2 Day: 8 PM
Old Glory: Overnight: 9 PM
Producer: Overnight: 10 PM
departing tomorrow:
3/4 Day: Fisherman III: 6 AM
1/2 Day: Premier: 6:30 AM / 1 PM
2-1/2 Day: Legend: 8 PM
Overnight: Old Glory: 9 PM
Overnight: Mustang: 10 PM
See the complete Trip Calendar Here:
October 11, 2017
Quit Wishing! Go Fishing!
Departing tonight:
Ocean Odyssey: 1-1/2 Day: 7 PM
Top Gun 80: 1-1/2 Day: 8 PM
Old Glory: Overnight: 9 PM
Mustang: Overnight: 10 PM
See the complete Trip Calendar Here:
Ocean Odyssey returned this morning with 90 Yellowfin and 2 Bluefin.
Alicia passengers took home 18 Lobsters & the Jig Strike had 23 last night!
The Premier had 16 Yellowtail, 56 Bonito, 4 Rockfish & a Bass this morning!
Time for a New T-shirt? Order it from the H&M Landing Shop Online!
October 10, 2017
Got Lobster ? Got Fish ?
The Premier caught a whopping 76 Yellowtail on the am trip!
Alicia & Jig Strike caught 47 Lobsters and released 81 shorts last night.
Sea Adventure 80 returned this morning with 135 Yellowfin, 12 Dorado and 16 Yellowtail.
Ocean Odyssey is on the water with 90 Yellowfin, 2 Bluefin, 6 Dorado and 23 Yellowtail!
Available Departures:
3/4 Day Islands: Relentless: 5:30 AM: Going for Sure
1/2 Day: Premier: 6;30 AM or 1 PM
Overnight: Old Glory: 9 PM
Overnight: Mustang: 9 PM
Overnight: Producer: 10 PM
1-1/2 Day: Top Gun 80: 8 PM
1-1/2 Day: Ocean Odyssey: 7 PM
For Complete Departure Schedule – CLICK HERE
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October 9, 2017
Did someone say Yellowfin Tuna?
The Producer is running for sure for tonight’s overnight off shore trip at 10PM fishing for Tuna, Yellowtail and Dorado! Book Your Trip
The Old Glory caught LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna, 110 Skip jack and 4 Dorado! The next Old Glory trip departs Tuesday night! Book Your Trip
The Legend returned from a 2-1/2 day trip this morning with 290 Yellowfin Tuna, 93 Dorado and 77 Yellowtail for 29 anglers!
The Relentless returned from a 1-1/2 day trip this morning with 48 Yellowfin Tuna and 10 Dorado for 13 anglers!
The Jig Strike went on the hunt for some lobsters last night and returned with 25 legals, 61 shorts and 1 Spider crab for 10 anglers!
Departing Trips
The Producer will be leaving tonight on a overnight trip at 10 PM with spots open.
The Legend will be running their last 2-1/2 day trip of the season departing this Friday at 8 PM with spots open.
Book Your Trip !!!!
October 8th 2017
The Producer called with 66 Yellowfin Tuna, 3 Dorado, 36 Yellowtail & 35 Skipjack!
The Old Glory has 54 Yellowfin Tuna, 5 Dorado, and 17 Skipjack!
Just got the first call of the day from the Sea Adventure 80! They have LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna already!
The Legend is having one heck of a good 2-1/2 day. Capt. Chuck called in 155 Yellowfin Tuna, 93 Dorado, 73 Yellowtail and 40 Skipjack!
Report from the Jig Strike last night:
Rough conditions, on top of the fog and traffic, but we were able to scratch out a decent night of 24 legals and 110 shorts and a giant Rock crab. Conditions should be improving over the next few days so hopefully the bugs should be crawling even better. #kingofthecrawl getting it done.

Light loads and lots of fish are still around so book a trip as soon as you can to take advantage of the bite!
October 7, 2017
The Legend called in on day 1 of their 2.5 day trip with 85 Yellowfin Tuna, 18 Yellowtail, LIMITS of Dorado, and 40 Skip jack!
The Legend has another 2.5 day departing on October 13th with lots of room!
The Fisherman III has 105 Yellowfin (Limits) and 27 Skip jack on their 3/4 day adventure!
The Passport for their 3 anglers caught LIMITS of Yellowfin and LIMITS of Skip jack!
Lobster hooping was excellent again last night! The Mighty Alicia hooped up 26 Lobsters and released 61 Shorts!
It’s Not Too Late To Reel In Your 2017 Fish Story!
* 1/2 Day * 3/4 Day * Overnight * Multi-Day *
Available Departures:
2-1/2 Day: Sea Adventure 80: 7 PM: $670
1-/12 Day: Relentless: 9 PM: $365
Overnight: Producer: 10 PM: $245
1/2 Day: Premier: 6 AM or 1 PM: $50/$40
Overnight: Old Glory: 9 PM: $215
Overnight: Mustang: 9 PM: $260
Overnight: Producer: 10 PM: $225
October 6, 2017
The Chief just called in after landing a 262 lb Bluefin Tuna!!!
Daily departures and something for everyone: It’s not too late to reel in your 2017 fish story!
* 1/2 Day * 3/4 Day * Overnight * Multi-Day *
The Constitution returned with 17 Yellowtail and 68 Bluefin Tuna (21 weighed over 100 lbs) !
The Alicia and Jig Strike passengers took home a combined catch total of 44 Lobsters.
October 5, 2017
The Lobsters are crawling and the Fish are swimming!
The Top Gun 80 returned this morning from a 2-1/2 day trip with 36 Bluefin Tuna up to 129 pounds for 25 anglers.
The Chief returned this morning from a 2-1/2 day trip with 38 Yellowtail, 10 Bluefin Tuna and 16 Bonito for 22 anglers.
The Jig Strike returned last night from a lobster trip with 26 legals and 43 shorts.
We have the Old Glory, Producer and the Mustang departing tonight for an overnight trip targeting Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail.
The Jig Strike and the Alicia depart every evening at 6 pm for Lobster/Crab hoop netting.
The Fisherman III will be fishing the Coronado Islands tomorrow on a 3/4 day trip! (PASSPORTS REQUIRED)
October 4, 2017
Morning returns:
Sea Adventure 80: 2-1/2 Day: 240 Yellowfin Tuna, 19 Bluefin Tuna, 6 Dorado, 2 Yellowtail & 1 Swordfish (@175 lbs)
Reel Champion: 1-1/2 Day: 8 Bluefin Tuna
Ocean Odyssey: 2-1/2 Day: 41 Bluefin Tuna
Jig Strike passengers took home 25 Lobsters last night!
Upcoming departures:
Old Glory: Overnight: 9pm: $215
Daiwa Pacific: 3/4 Day Freelance: $150
Premier: 1/2 Day: AM & PM
Old Glory: Overnight: 9pm: $215
Mustang: Overnight: 9pm: $260
Producer: Overnight: 10pm: $225
October 3, 2017
The Bluefin are still biting! We heard from the Reel Champion they captured LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna!
Tonight we have the Old Glory running for sure! Bring your heavy tackle as well as lighter. These Bluefin have been anywhere from 30 pounds up to 100+ pounds. So come on down and try and catch your fish of a lifetime!
We have lots of room on the Old Glory and Producer all this week so do not miss out on catching one of these trophy Bluefin Tuna!
We have spots for this weekend. Check out our trip calendar for available trips!
The Real Sea Adventure 80 had one heck of a 2-1/2 day! They are bringing home 240 Yellowtail, 6 Dorado, 19 Bluefin and 2 Yellowtail!
Lobster hooping has started off with a bang! Again, the Jig Strike caught 25 Lobsters and released 102 shorts! Lobster trips depart daily at 6pm!
The half day boats are catching Yellowtail, Bass and Rockfish!
* 1/2 Day * 3/4 Day * Overnight * Multi-Day *
October 2nd 2017
The Bluefin are biting today! The Mustang caught LIMITS of Bluefin all 40 to 70 pounds! The Old Glory called in with 32 of the big boys, up to 70+ pounds!
The Old Glory and Producer have lots of space this week for overnight trips! The Relentless has a 1-1/2 departing Tuesday night! The Mustangs’ next trip is departing on Friday night! The Constitution is into the Big Bluefin today! They have 8 fish from 80-120lbs on the deck and more hanging! There is still time to catch a fish of your lifetime so don’t sit on the couch and miss out! The next trip with room on the Constitution is 10/08/2017 for 4.5 days.
The Sea Adventure 80 is having one heck of a 2-1/2 day trip so far they have 120 Yellowfin, 6 Bluefin, 4 Dorado and 1 Swordfish!
There are still lots of fish to catch out there! Join the fleet and get in on the fun before time runs out!
The Legend came in with 84 yellowfin, 72 dorado, 106 yellowtail, and 50+ on the skipjack, from their 2.5 day trip!
* 1/2 Day * 3/4 Day * Overnight * Multi-Day *
October 1st, 2017
Lobster season is on! The Alicia captured 19 Lobsters and they released 101 Shorts! The Jig Strike caught 20 Lobsters and released 51 shorts, they also had 1 Rock Crab! Lobster hooping trips are scheduled daily!
The Real Sea Adventure 80 had a GREAT 3-1/2 day trip, their 22 passengers caught 260 Yellowfin Tuna and LIMITS of Dorado (66)!
The Legend has 71 Yellowfin Tuna, 60 Dorado, 99 Yellowtail & 50 Skipjack & still fishing on a 2.5 day trip!
51 Yellowfin Tuna on the Relentless overnight trip!
* 1/2 Day * 3/4 Day * Overnight * Multi-Day *
September 30, 2017
The Legend is off to a great start with 32 Yellowfin Tuna, 40 Yellowtail, 20 Dorado & 30 Skipjack!
We have lots of trips available this week from 1/2 day to multi day trips. * 1/2 Day * 3/4 Day * Overnight * Multi-Day *
Lobster season is here! The Alicia and Jig Strike are scheduled daily!
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September 29, 2017
Dorado are back in the mix!
Morning returns:
The Daiwa Pacific returned early from a 1 day with LIMITS of Bluefin & Yellowfin by 8:30am!!!!!
Legend: 15 Yellowfin Tuna, 44 Dorado, 45 Yellowtail & 55 Bonito
Ocean Odyssey: 18 Yellowfin Tuna, 30 Dorado, 21 Yellowtail
Ranger 85: 28 Yellowfin Tuna, 14 Dorado, 1 Bonito, 57 Yellowtail & 1 Bluefin Tuna
Chief: 41 Yellowtail, 12 Bonito
The Old Glory returns tonight with 9 Bluefin & 65 Yellowtail!
The Producer has spots available Saturday night!
September 28, 2017

Still time to get in on the action!
The Legend returns tomorrow morning with Limits of Dorado, 15 Yellowfin Tuna, 45 Yellowtail &55 Skipjack!
The Producer has spots available Saturday night!
September 27, 2017
Charlie’s Tuna
September 26th, 2017
The Relentless has LIMITS of Yellowfin for their 2 day trip! The Relentless has a 1-1/2 day departing on October 1st!
Just heard from the Top Gun 80 they are are having one heck of a 2-1/2 day. Captain Scotty called in with 100+ Yellowfin Tuna, 12 Dorado and 8 Yellowtail!
The Chief has 100 Yellowtail (20-45 pounds), 1 Bluefin Tuna and 12 Bonito!
The Old Glory also got into those nice Yellowtail they wound up with 89 and topped off their day with 1 Bluefin Tuna!
The Mustang caught 26 Yellowfin Tuna and LIMITS of Dorado!
The Chief has 100 Yellowtail (20-45 pounds), 1 Bluefin Tuna and 12 Bonito
The Constitution so far has 1 Bluefin Tuna weighing in at a whopping 245 pounds!
We have lots of trips available this week from 1/2 day to multi day trips. * 1/2 Day * 3/4 Day * Overnight * Multi-Day *