December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018
What’s Your 2018 Fish Story?
Tuna? Yellowtail? Rockfish? Lobster? It’s not too late!
Multi-Day • Full Day • 1/2 Day • Hoop Net •
the Perfect Boat… the Perfect Date… the Perfect Fish Story…
Get Ahead of the Game- Book Your 2019 Private Party Fishing Charter Early!
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November 30, 2018
November 30, 2018
It AIN’T over! We have a hot new 1-3/4 day trip aboard the Poseidon. They will be fishing for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowfin Tuna! This trip departs on Sunday December 2nd at 11 AM! Don’t put those rods away, come on down! Book Today!
The Mustang has a 2-1/2 day trip departing next Friday night at 7 PM! They will also be looking for Bluefin and Yellowfin! Book Today!
We have some up coming combo Yellowtail and Rock cod or Bluefin and Yellowfin trips aboard the Old Glory and the Sea Adventure 80! Check out their schedules on our Trip Calendar Here!
Whale watching starts daily on December 21st! Book Today!
→ 1\2 Day ← → Full Day ← → Multi Day ← → Hoop Netting ← → Whale Watching ←
See the Complete Trip Calendar Here
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November 29, 2018
November 29, 2018
** Something for Everyone & Daily Departures**
→ 1\2 Day ← → Full Day ← → Multi Day ← → Hoop Netting ← → Whale Watching ←
See the Complete Trip Calendar Here
Birthday? Anniversary? Bachelor Party? Celebration of Life? Family Reunion? Client Appreciation? Team Building? Office Party? Bucket List? Friends Day Out?
What Ever Your Reason, What Ever the Season – H&M has a Boat to Bring Your Group Together.
Book Early to Secure Your Preferred Vessel and Perfect Date!
Contact Us for More Information About A Private Party Trip!
November 27, 2018
November 27, 2018

Great Weather, Great Fishing
We Have What You’re Wishing
Poseidon and Mustang returned this morning with a total combined catch of 23 Bluefin Tuna, 3 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Swordfish.
The Alicia was out hooping last night, their 8 passengers caught 24 Lobsters and released 46 shorts.
Mustang departs Friday at 6 PM for a 2-1/2 Day trip to target Bluefin Tuna. Bring 50-80 lb gear or let us outfit you with the right stuff. Only $550! This trip will sell out! Don’t delay – Book Today!
** Something for Everyone & Daily Departures**
→ 1\2 Day ← → Full Day ← → Multi Day ← → Hoop Netting ← → Whale Watching ←
See the Complete Trip Calendar Here
Represent your favorite Sport Fishing Landing and save on select hats & T-Shirts!
Visit the Shop No Coupon Required
November 26, 2018
November 26, 2018
The Poseidon has LIMITS of Bluefin for their 1-3\4 day trip!
The Grande is out fishing the Coronado Islands on a full day, they ended their day with 84 Yellowtail and 32 Bonito! The Grande departs daily at 5:30 AM! (passport required) Book Now!
The Sea Adventure 80 came in this morning with 14 Bluefin Tuna ranging from 25-28 lbs!! The weather is getting better by the day, so the next few days should be a good window of opportunity to get some winter Bluefin! The Poseidon and the Mustang both have trips going out to take advantage of the weather window so book now to ensure your spot! Here are a few of the upcoming trips we have available! The Poseidon has a 2-3/4 day departing Tuesday morning at 11 AM! The Mustang has a 2-1/2 day departing Friday night at 6 PM!
If a shorter trip is more your style. We have full day, 1/2 day and Lobster hooping trips! Just Click here for our schedule of daily departures.
If whale watching is more your style, what a great way to bring the family out and enjoy this great San Diego weather out on the water!

November 25th 2018
November 25, 2018
The Grande has reported 72 Yellowtail on board and beautiful weather!
Plenty of openings for tomorrow and the rest of the week, book now! Going for sure tomorrow!

The Sea Adventure 80 is on the tuna grounds this morning, they are starting to see fish on the meter,but the fun hasn’t started yet. The swell continues to diminish down to about 4 ft. right now and very little wind. We’ll keep you updated on their success!
With the improving weather there is still opportunity to get after those bluefin leaving tonight on the Mustang! Pulling on big fish is a sure way to wear off those Thanksgiving calories! Give the landing a call or book online while there’s time!
November 24, 2018
November 24, 2018
90 Yellowtail, 22 Bonito & 10 Rockfish on the Grande! Get Your Passport. Grab Your Gear. Go Fish!
available departures:
Full Day: Coronado Islands (passport required): Daily: 5:30 AM: $155: Book Now The next full day departs Sunday morning!
1/2 Day: Local Kelp Beds: Daily: 6:30 AM and 1 PM: $52: Book Now
Lobster Hoop Netting: Nightly: 6 PM: $60-$70/hoop: Book Now
1-1/2 day Bluefin and Yellowfin trip: Mustang: Sunday night 7 PM: $325.00
Multi-Day: Dates, Times & Prices Vary: See the Calendar Here
Get Your Favorite Fisherman their Favorite H&M Landing Apparel .
Birthday? Anniversary? Bachelor Party? Celebration of Life? Family Reunion? Client Appreciation? Team Building? Office Party? Bucket List? Friends Day Out?
What Ever Your Reason, What Ever the Season – H&M has a Boat to Bring Your Group Together.
Book Early to Secure Your Preferred Vessel and Perfect Date!
See the Fleet Here
Contact Us for More Information About A Private Party Trip!
November 23, 2018
November 21, 2018
After the Turkey….
The Mustang returned with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna from their last 1.5 day trip, 50-70Lbs!!!
The Poseidon caught 28 Bluefin Tuna on their last 1.5 day trip!
The Old Glory caught 24 Bluefin Tuna and 7 Yellowfin Tuna!
The Grande caught 35 Yellowtail and 57 Bonito at the Coronado Islands today!
Departing Saturday:
Grande: Full Day Islands (passport required): 5:30 AM: $155: Book It
Premier: 1/2 Day (local): 6:30 AM/1 PM: $52: Book It
Daiwa Pacific: 1-1/2 day Offshore for Bluefin and Yellowfin: Book It

November 20, 2018
November 20, 2018
hmmm… Tuna? or Turkey?
The Grande had excellent Yellowtail fishing today!!!
The Old Glory returned this morning with 111 Yellowfin Tuna (40-60 lb average!).
Old Glory departs tonight at 8 PM for a 1-1/2 Day trip to target Bluefin Tuna. $325. Book Now.
also departing: Mustang: 1-1/2 Day: 8 PM: $325: Book Now.
departing Wednesday:
Grande: Full Day Islands (passport required): 5:30 AM: $155: Book Now. They finished with Limits Yellowtail and 30 Bonito today! Wednesday is a definite go!
Premier: 1/2 Day Local: 6:30 AM and 1 PM: $52: Book Now.
See the Complete Trip Calendar Here.
Looking for a post-Thanksgiving Family Adventure? Whale Watching begins Friday November, 23. Check it Out!
November 19, 2018
November 19, 2018
The Mustang has come in this morning from their 1.5 day trip with 21 Bluefin Tuna (75-80 lbs) and 69 Yellowfin Tuna (30-60 lbs)!
The Old Glory caught 111 Yellowfin that are 40-60 pounds!
The Grande has over 40 Yellowtail 12 to 18 pounds! The Grande is running for sure Tuesday morning! (Passport required) Book Now!
The Poseidon Has a 1-3/4 day departing Tuesday at 11 AM. The Mustang and Old Glory are both departing Tuesday night for 1-1/2 day trips! All 3 of these trips are guaranteed to run and will be fishing for Bluefin and Yellowfin Tuna! Book Now!
On Thanksgiving, instead of turkey you could be eating tuna!

November 18, 2018
November 18, 2018
The Grande is going for sure Monday & Tuesday! They have had LIMITS of Yellowtail the last 2 days!
The Old Glory has a 1.5 departing tonight (Sunday) at 8 PM. At this time it is a very light load! Going for sure!!! Book Now!
The Old Glory returned from a 1.5 day trip with 42 Bluefin Tuna (50-90 lbs) and 29 Yellowfin Tuna (30-75 lbs)!
The Sea Adventure 80 came in from their 2.5 day trip with 60 Bluefin Tuna, 78 Yellowfin Tuna, and 15 Skipjack!
The Producer returned from their 1.5 day trip with 34 Bluefin Tuna!
The Poseidon came back from their 1.5 day trip with 20 Bluefin Tuna and 70 Yellowfin tuna!
The Mustang has called in from their 1.5 day trip with 31 Yellowfin Tuna and 4 Bluefin Tuna all ranging from 50-80 lbs!!
This the most historic fishing we have seen in San Diego history. Take advantage of world class fish of a lifetime opportunity by scheduling your trip today.
Click here for our schedule of daily departures.
November 17, 2018
November 17, 2018
Summer has yet to close the door on H&M anglers. Bluefin and Yellowfin tuna continue to bite for our fleet as we head into the holidays.
On the water Capt. Hunter on board the Poseidon, the newest addition to the H&M fleet, has 20 Bluefin on deck up to 100 pounds and 70 Yellowfin up to 70 pounds. The Poseidon has a 1-3/4 departing Sunday at 11 AM! Book Now
Capt. Mike on board the Sea Adventure 80 captured 78 Yellowfin Tuna and 60 Bluefin Tuna. These fish are mostly 40-80 Lbs.
The Old Glory caught 70 mixed Bluefin and Yellowfin tuna today on their 1-1/2 day trip!
The Grande has reported LIMITS of Yellowtail 12 to 18 pounds and LIMITS of Bonito 10-15 pounds, fishing the Coronado Islands! The Grande is scheduled daily fishing the Coronado Islands! Book Now
The Mustang returned this morning with a catch of 8 Bluefin after a few stops engaging with larger fish. The Mustang departs tonight for another 1-1/2 day! Book Now
This the most historic fishing we have seen in San Diego history. Take advantage of world class, fish of a lifetime opportunity by scheduling your trip today.
Click here for our schedule of daily departures.
November 16th 2018
November 16, 2018
The Sea Adventure 80 reported in today with 35 Bluefin Tuna (50-100 lbs) and 65 Yellowfin Tuna (20-110 lbs) for day 1 of a 2.5 day adventure!
The Grande is a definite go for Saturday, to the Coronado Islands where the Yellowtail are biting!
Definite go on the Mustang Saturday night at 7:00pm 1.5 day Bluefin trip!
To see our complete trip calendar click here.

November 15, 2018
November 15, 2018
Tonight’s HOT trips:
6 pm Jig Strike – Lobster/Crab Hoop Netting (only 3 hoops left)
7 pm Mustang – 1.5 Day – Freelance- Targeting Bluefin Tuna. Make sure to bring 50-80LB
7 pm Sea Adventure 80 – 2.5 Day – Freelance (only 3 spots left)
Book Now!
November 14, 2018
November 14, 2018
Old Glory and Voodoo are back at the dock with a total combined catch of 49 Bluefin Tuna.
Old Glory departs at 9 PM tonight and tomorrow night for Overnight Freelance Fishing targeting Yellowfin and Yellowtail. $225. ‘She’ departs Friday at 8 PM for 1-1/2 Day trip to target Bluefin. Be Sure to Gear Up! $325.
Book Now.
November 13, 2018
November 13, 2018

Mustang returned with 23 Bluefin Tuna (30-70 lbs)
The Old Glory is out on a 1-1/2 day today and caught 30 Bluefin Tuna on their first stop of the day!
Available Departures:
Jig Strike: Lobster & Crab Hooping: 6 PM: $60/hoop (max 5 per angler): Book It!
Mustang: 1-1/2 Day: TARGET BLUEFIN: 7 PM: $325: Book It! This trip is a definite go!
Grande: Full Day: Islands (Passport Required): 5:30 AM: $155: Book It!
Producer: 1-1/2 Day: TARGET BLUEFIN: 8 PM: $345: Book It!
Old Glory: Overnight: Freelance: 9 PM: $225: Book It!
for More – See The Complete Trip Calendar Here
Birthday? Anniversary? Bachelor Party? Celebration of Life? Family Reunion? Client Appreciation? Team Building? Office Party? Bucket List? Friends Day Out?
What Ever Your Reason, What Ever the Season – H&M has a Boat to Bring Your Group Together.
See the Fleet Here
Contact Us for More Information About A Private Party Trip!
November 12, 2018
November 12, 2018
The First report today! Steve on the Mustang has 23 Bluefin tuna from 40 to 70 lbs from their first school! The Mustang has a trip running Tuesday night on another 1.5 day trip with lots of room! Book Now!
The Sea Adventure 80 came in from their 2.5 day trip with 65 Bluefin Tuna! They have another 2.5 day departing Thursday night. This is a very light load at this time and is a guaranteed go! Book Now!
The Old Glory has called in from their overnight trip with 62 Yellowfin Tuna and 21 Skipjack!!
The Old Glory is departing tonight (Monday) for a 1.5 day trip fishing for Bluefin Tuna! Book Now!
The Producer has a 1.5 day departing Wednesday night! Book Now!
Check out our trip calendar and find the trip that best fits your schedule! H & M Trip Calendar
The Lobsters were on the crawl last night as the Jig Strike hooped up 24 Lobsters for their 6 hoopers!
November 11, 2018
November 11, 2018
The Daiwa Pacific came in from their 1.5 day trip with 30 Bluefin Tuna! (Limits!)
The Mustang returned from their 1.5 day trip with 56 Bluefin Tuna up to 80LBs!! (Limits!)
The Old Glory caught 60 Bluefin Tuna on their 1.5 day trip! (Limits!)
The Producer came back from their 1.5 day trip with 50 Bluefin Tuna! (Limits!)
Check out all of tonight’s departures and get in on the action! Click here!