October 13, 2019
October 13, 2019
Ranger 85 reported 19 Bluefin (40-50 lbs) & 1 Yellowfin (30 lbs) to start off their 1.75 adventure!
Sunday Morning Returns:
Producer: 110 Yellowfin Tuna, 4 Bluefin Tuna
Ranger 85: 78 Yellowfin Tuna, 62 Yellowtail, 75 Skipjack Tuna, 34 Bonito
Ocean Odyssey: 135 Yellowfin Tuna
Sunday departures with Room for You:
Producer – 1.5 Day: Sunday: 7 PM: $360: A DEFINITE GO! Book it.
Ocean Odyssey – 2.5 Day: 7 PM: $725: A DEFINITE GO! Book it.
1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day
Hook It Up with H&M
Catch the Complete Calendar Here

Take a Child Fishing and Create a ‘Fish Story’ to Share for a Lifetime.
For the month of October, Kids Fish Free with H&M Landing on any Open Party 1/2 Day trip when accompanied by a paid adult.
Get More Details and Book Here.
October 12, 2019
October 12, 2019
Fall Fishing is Fun Catching!
the H&M Saturday dock total:
471 Anglers: 1402 Yellowfin Tuna, 281 Rockfish, 203 Skipjack Tuna, 109 Sculpin, 101 Bluefin Tuna, 31 Lobster Released, 25 Lobster, 11 Calico Bass, 11 Whitefish, 4 Sand Bass
Producer and Ocean Odyssey have limits of Yellowfin Tuna and are looking to end their 1.5 Day trips with Bluefin Tuna to report in final catch reports. Check back tomorrow!
Sunday Departures:
Ranger 85 – 1.75 Day: Sunday: 11 AM: $425: A DEFINITE GO! Book it.
Producer – 1.5 Day: Sunday: 7 PM: $360: A DEFINITE GO! Book it.
Ocean Odyssey – 2.5 Day: 7 PM: $725: A DEFINITE GO! Book it.
See the Complete Calendar Here.
Book Now. Brag Later!
October 11, 2019
October 11, 2019
The Constitution has called in from their 4.5 day trip with 110 Bluefin Tuna (30-70 pounds) and 345 Yellowfin Tuna!
Morning returns:
Producer: 1 Bluefin Tuna (60 lbs!), 115 Yellowfin Tuna, 10 Skipjack Tuna
Poseidon: 200 Yellowfin Tuna, 60 Yellowtail (15 – 30 lbs)
Departing TONIGHT – with room for You:
Poseidon – 4.5 Day: 6 PM: $1395: Book It
Excalibur – Overnight: 8 PM: $230: WILL SELL OUT! Book Now!
Excalibur – Overnight: 8 PM: $230: WILL SELL OUT! Book Now!
Ranger 85 – 1.75 Day: Sunday: 11 AM: $425: NEW TRIP! Book it.
Producer – 1.5 Day: Sunday: 7 PM: $360: A DEFINITE GO: Book it.
Ocean Odyssey – 2.5 Day: 7 PM: $725: A DEFINITE GO: Book it.
Mustang – Overnight: 9 PM: $250: Book it.
Old Glory – Overnight: 9 PM: $220: Book it.
1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day
Hook It Up with H&M
Catch the Complete Calendar Here
October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019
The Bite Goes On…
Morning returns:
Excalibur: 130 Yellowfin Tuna, 27 Bluefin Tuna, 50 Skipjack
Ranger 85: 180 Yellowfin Tuna (limits!), 44 Bluefin Tuna, 50 Yellowtail, 60 Bonito
Poseidon: 200 Yellowfin Tuna (limits!)
Departing tonight:
Ranger 85 – 2.5 Day: 9 PM: $750: ONLY 3 SPOTS LEFT! Book it.
Mustang – Overnight: 9 PM: $250: Book it.
Old Glory – Overnight: 9 PM: $230: ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT! Book it!
Available weekend departures:
Excalibur – Overnight: Friday: 8 PM: $230: Book It.
Poseidon – 4.5 Day: Friday: 6 PM: $1395: Book it.
Daiwa Pacific – Overnight: Saturday: 9 PM: $250: WILL SELL OUT! Book it.
Excalibur – Overnight: Saturday: 8 PM: $230: Book It.
Ranger 85 – 1.75 Day: Sunday: 11 AM: $425: NEW TRIP! Book it.
Producer – 1.5 Day: Sunday: 7 PM: $360: A DEFINITE GO: Book it.
Ocean Odyssey – 2.5 Day: 7 PM: $725: A DEFINITE GO: Book it.
Old Glory – Overnight: 9 PM: $220: Book it.
Looking for Something Else?
Catch the Complete Calendar Here.

Take a Child Fishing and Create a ‘Fish Story’ to Share for a Lifetime.
For the month of October, Kids Fish Free with H&M Landing on any Open Party 1/2 Day trip when accompanied by a paid adult. Get More Details and Book Here.
October 9, 2019
October 9, 2019
Hook Up a Fresh One!
News from the Grande: they currently have 80+ Yellowfin Tuna on deck weighing in at 15-25 lbs with plenty of 30 lb tuna in the mix! The captain is reporting calm weather and a great bite!
The bite is on! Don’t miss out, Book Now!
Ocean Odyssey is back at the dock with 95 Yellowfin Tuna (limits!) and 17 Bluefin Tuna.
The Constitution has called in with 2 days worth of limits in Yellowfin along with 24 Bluefin all over 40 lbs. They are on their 2nd day out of a 4 1/2 day trip. Book a trip with them while they still have room!!
Poseidon reported limits of Yellowfin Tuna on the 2nd of 2-1/2 Days.
Check Out these New Trips added to the Weekend Departure Schedule.
Tonight: Mustang – Overnight: 9 PM: $230: Book It.
Thursday: Mustang – Overnight: 9 PM: $250: Book It.
Friday: Legend – Overnight: 8 PM: $230: Book It.
Saturday: Daiwa Pacific – Overnight: 9 PM: $250: Book It.
Catch the Complete Calendar Here
1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day
October 8, 2019
October 8, 2019
on the water:
Old Glory: 149 Yellowfin Tuna, 125 Skipjack Tuna
Ocean Odyssey: 95 Yellowfin Tuna (limits!) and 17 Bluefin Tuna
Poseidon: 100 Yellowfin Tuna (limits!)
Grande: 80+ Yellowfin Tuna
Vendetta: 65 Yellowfin Tuna and 65 Skipjack {limits!)
Ranger 85: 125 Yellowfin Tuna and 50 Yellowtail (25-30 pounds)
morning returns:
Producer: 90 Yellowfin Tuna (Limits!), 35 Skipjack Tuna
Sea Adventure 80: 98 Yellowfin Tuna, 190 Skipjack Tuna, and 7 Yellowtail.
Departing Tonight:
Old Glory departs at 9 PM for an Overnight Trip. $220. Book It.
Departing Tomorrow
Ocean Odyssey: 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $415: Book It.
Producer: 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $360: Book It.
Old Glory: Overnight: 9 PM: $220: Book It.
Grande: Full Day (destination may vary by date): 5:30 AM: $155/$145: Book It.
Premier: Half Day: Local: 6:30 AM and 1 PM: $52/$42: Book It.
More Available Departures Ahead! See the Complete Calendar Here.
Kids Fish Free on any Open Party 1/2 Day trip in October when accompanied by a paid adult.
Trips depart daily at 6:30 AM and 1 PM.
More Information and Reservations Here.
October 7th 2019
October 7, 2019
The Grande has LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna!
The Grande is reporting fish of 15-25 pounds with some reaching 30 pounds!
The Excalibur returned with 225 Yellowfin, 60 Yellowtail, and 75 Skipjack!
The Legend returned with 153 Yellowfin tuna,1 Bluefin tuna, and 270 Skipjack!
Departing tonight:
Old Glory: overnight departing at 9pm
Ocean Odyssey: 1.5 day departing at 7pm
October 6, 2019
October 6, 2019
There are openings tonight on the Old Glory, Producer and the Ranger 85
From overnight to 3.5 days! Don’t miss your opportunity to get in on this great fishing we’re experiencing now!
The Poseidon returned from their 2.5 day trip with 125 Yellowfin and 5 Bluefin Tuna! Fish are biting so book your trip now!
First news from the boats this morning:
The Excalibur already has limits of Yellowfin tuna and 65 Skipjack
The Old Glory called in with limits of Yellowfin Tuna, (170!) Still space on their trip tonight, book now!
The complete counts on the returning boats today are as follows: Mustang finished up with 67 yellowfin tuna and 46 skipjack; the Producer had 41 yellowfin, 1 yellowtail, and 4 skipjack; the Ranger 85 caught 30 yellowfin, 50 yellowtail from 15 to 20 lbs, 1 bluefin tuna, and 30 skipjack.
The Top Gun 80 brought in 75 yellowfin tuna, 2 bluefin up to 120lbs and 125 15-20 lb yellowtail.
Passengers were suffering a lot of lost fish, so make sure you have the crew check your reels drags before you start fishing, and don’t use your thumb on the spool to try and stop these tuna from running. Let the equipment do the work for you and you’ll end up with more fish on the deck! Tight Lines!
October 5, 2019
October 5, 2019
The H&M Fleet is Gone Fishing…

We will bring you news from on the water as it comes in throughout the day. Check back for updates and final catch reports!
To all out on the hunt with us today, we wish you following seas and especially TIGHT LINES!
on the water:
Mustang: 56 Yellowfin, 45 Skipjack Tuna
Legend : 56 Yellowfin Tuna, 50 Skipjack Tuna.
Relentless: 100 Yellowfin Tuna (limits!)
Old Glory: 95 Yellowfin Tuna (limits!)
Excalibur (2nd of 3.5 Day): 140 Yellowfin Tuna, 30 Yellowtail, 15 Skipjack
Sea Adventure 80 – 2.5 Day: 7 PM: $675: Only Six Spots Left! Book It.
Old Glory – Overnight: 7 PM: $220: a Definite GO! Book It.
Producer – 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $360: a Definite GO! Book It.
Mustang – 2.5 Day: 9 PM: $715: Book It.
Ranger 85 – 3.5 Day: 9 PM: $1025: a Definite GO! Book It.
Looking for Something Else? See the Complete Calendar Here.
October 4, 2019
October 4, 2019
2 PM – Mustang has LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna, 80 Yellowtail and 45 Skipjack today!
9:11 AM – Old Glory: 47 Yellowfin Tuna, 12 SkipJack Tuna
The Constitution and Poseidon both have limits of Yellowfin Tuna on their first day of their multi-day trips!
2 PM – Excalibur: Limits Yellowfin Tuna, 15 SkipJack Tuna
Book Now. Brag Later.
Ocean Odyssey returned with 75 Yellowfin Tuna, 2 Bluefin Tuna, and 12 SkipJack Tuna
Available departures:
Sea Adventure 80 – 2.5 Day: 7 PM: $675: Only Six Spots Left! Book It.
Old Glory – Overnight: 7 PM: $220: a Definite GO! Book It.
Producer – 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $360: a Definite GO! Book It.
Mustang – 2.5 Day: 9 PM: $715: Book It.
Ranger 85 – 3.5 Day: 9 PM: $1025: a Definite GO! Book It.
Grande: Full Day (destination may vary by date): 5:30 AM: $155/$145: Book It.
Premier: Half Day: Local: 6:30 AM and 1 PM: $52/$42: Book It.
More Available Departures Ahead! See the Complete Calendar Here.
October 3, 2019
October 3, 2019
Departing tonight: Excalibur: 3.5 Day: 8 PM: $995: A Definite Go! Book It.
Make a Memory. Inspire a Generation. Take a Child Fishing.
H&M Landing supports Youth in Fishing and there is no greater way to introduce your child to the sport of fishing than a trip with H&M Landing during Kid’s Free San Diego.
Promo Code: SDkids19
Click Here For Information or Reservations.
October 2, 2019
October 2, 2019
On the Water:
The Old Glory called in 75 Yellowfin & still fishing!
If you are coming out with us tonight, bring 30-40 lb test!
Back at the Dock:
Ocean Odyssey: 54 Yellowfin Tuna, 65 Skipjack Tuna
Ranger 85: 5 Yellowfin Tuna, 125 Skipjack Tuna
Relentless: 2 Bluefin Tuna, 10 Yellowfin Tuna, 100 Skipjack Tuna
Sea Adventure 80: 7 Yellowfin Tuna, 107 Skipjack Tuna, 100 Rockfish
Top Gun 80: 125 Yellowfin Tuna, 14 Yellowtail, 2 Dorado, 150 Skipjack
Jig Strike: 25 “keeper” Lobsters, 25 “short”Lobsters (released), 2 Rock Crab
Available Departures:
Top Gun 80: 3.5 Day: 8 PM: $1120: ONLY 2 SPOTS OPEN: Book It.
Producer: 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $360: A Definite Go! Book It.
Ocean Odyssey: 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $415: A Definite Go! Book It.
Old Glory: Overnight: 9 PM: $220: A Definite Go! Book It.
Excalibur: 3.5 Day: 8 PM: $995: A Definite Go! Book It.
Mustang: Overnight: 9 PM: $250: A Definite Go! Book It.
Grande: Full Day (destination may vary by date): 5:30 AM: $155/$145: Book It.
Premier: Half Day: Local: 6:30 AM and 1 PM: Kids Fish Free! $52/$42: Book It.
More Available Departures Ahead! See the Complete Calendar Here
October 1, 2019
October 1, 2019
The Grande caught 52 Yellowfin and 94 Skipjack today! Fishing is too good to sit at the dock, the boat is running tomorrow morning for sure!!! Book It.
Legend is back at the dock with 145 Skipjack Tuna (limits) and 110 Yellowfin Tuna.
The Mustang had a good fishing today, they’re returning with 34 Yellowfin Tuna and 56 Skipjack for 13 anglers! The Mustang’s next trip departs Thursday night! Book It
YES! You SHOULD Go Fishing Now!
Old Glory: Overnight: 9 PM: $220: A Definite Go! Book It.
Top Gun 80: 3.5 Day: 8 PM: $1120: ONLY 2 SPOTS OPEN: Book It.
Producer: 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $360: A Definite Go! Book It.
Ocean Odyssey: 1.5 Day: 7 PM: $415: A Definite Go! Book It.
Old Glory: Overnight: 9 PM: $220: A Definite Go! Book It.
Excalibur: 3.5 Day: 8 PM: $995: A Definite Go! Book It.
Mustang: Overnight: 9 PM: $250: A Definite Go! Book It.
Grande: Full Day (destination may vary by date): 5:30 AM: $155/$145: Book It.
Premier: Half Day: Local: 6:30 AM and 1 PM: $52/$42: Book It.
More Available Departures Ahead! See the Complete Calendar Here.

Get Your Child Hooked on Fishing!
For the month of October, Kids Fish Free with H&M Landing on any Open Party 1/2 Day trip when accompanied by a paid adult. Get More Details or Book Here.
September 30th 2019
September 30, 2019
The fish are biting today and we have put the Mustang on line for tonight and they are a definite go departing at 9PM! BOOK NOW (At this time it is a very light load)
We have the Ranger 85 and the Ocean Odyssey both departing tonight for 1-1/2 day trips with openings! BOOK NOW
The Legend has over 100 yellowfin and its limits on skipjack, grab a spot on their boat while its still open!
The Grande caught 45 Yellowfin and 110 Skipjack for today! Now that the sea are calming down the fish are acting up! Light loads tomorrow on the Grande, so book a trip and have a great time!
The Poseidon returned with 4 nice Bluefin of 40,100, 260,and 277 lbs this morning! The big boys are biting on the 2 day plus trips right now! Book your trips and take advantage of this great opportunity to get your personal best!
The Ranger 85 returned this morning from their 2.5 day trip with 48 Yellowfin Tuna, 24 Bluefin Tuna and 10 Yellowtail! Along with 83 miscellaneous fish.
The Legend is out on the water and called in with 125 mixed fish with 40+ Yellowfin and still fishing!
Those big fish are biting so don’t miss out! Book your trip now!
More boats are still on the water with trips departing daily!
September 29th 2019
September 29, 2019
The Ranger 85 caught 48 Yellowfin, 24 Bluefin, 10 Yellowtail abd 83 Skip jack on their 2-1/2 day trip!
The Constitution returned with 46 Yellowfin and 4 Bluefin Tuna weighing in at 150 lb, 246 lb, 310 lb, and 325 lb.
Big fish are biting! Make sure you book your trip today!
The Old Glory called in with 56 Yellowfin and over 100 Skipjack before noon today. Fishing is still going strong!!
Tonight’s departures with open spots:
The Excalibur departs on a 2.5 day trip at 8pm.
The Old Glory & Producer both departing on overnight trips at 9pm.

September 28, 2019
September 28, 2019

Top Gun 80 is back from a 5-1/2 Day with 75 Yellowfin Tuna, 25 Yellowtail, and 20 Bluefin Tuna.
The biggest of these Bluefin weighed in at 306 lbs!
On the water:
The Constitution reported Bluefin ranging from 125 to 325 pounds!
Catch the Complete Calendar Here
Something for Everyone & Daily Departures
1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day
September 27, 2019
September 27, 2019
Friday Morning Returns:
Ranger 85: 2 Yellowfin Tuna, 35 Yellowtail, 100 SkipJack Tuna
Ocean Odyssey: 14 Yellowfin Tuna, 8 Yellowtail, 2 Dorado, 78 SkipJack Tuna
On the water:
The Mustang reported 41 Yellowfin & 24 Skipjack so far…..
Something for Everyone & Daily Departures
1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day * Complete Calendar
Hook Up with H&M Today

Spiny Lobster Season Opens Tomorrow
Read More About It Here
Book a Trip Here
Jig Strike Alicia
September 26, 2019
September 26, 2019
The Constitution returned with 13 Bluefin Tuna weighing in from 74 to 346 pounds & 30 Yellowfin Tuna! The 5 biggest fish were 205, 263, 275, 336 and 346 Lbs!!!
88 Yellowfin Tuna and 86 Skipjack Tuna pulled in on the Grande!
Thursday Available Departures:
Mustang: Overnight: 9 PM: $230: Book It.
Producer: Overnight: 9 PM: $270: Book It.
Something for Everyone & Daily Departures
1/2 Day * Full Day * Overnight * Multi-Day * Complete Calendar
Hook Up with H&M Today.

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