Old Glory (2 Days) Departing at 10AM on March 14th, 21st and the 28th! Fishing down the Baja Coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod! (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here
Producer (2.5 Days) Departing at 7PM on March 21st and March 28th! Fishing Offshore for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail! (No passport needed) Book the Producer here
Horizon (1.5 Days) Departing at 6PM on March 21st and March 28th! Fishing Colonet for Rock cod Ling cod and possibly Yellowtail! (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here
Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00. Just put in the above $25.00 off code at check out! For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)
The Old Glory has a 2 day departing Friday at 10AM! They will be fishing freelance down the Mexican coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod! Book Here
The Horizon is GOING FOR SURE on their 1.5 day trip to Colonet leaving Friday at 6PM! Book Here
Both the above mentioned trips require VALID PASSPORTS!
Grande is on the water and working hard to match yesterday’s catch- 130 Yellowfin Tuna (LIMITs!). Grande departs at 5:30 AM tomorrow for Full Day FishingOffshore.
The Daiwa Pacific and Old Glory are having very good fishing today! The Daiwa Pacific and 91 Yellowfin Tuna and 3 Bluefin Tuna for thier 17 anglers! The Old Glory has 165 Yellowfin Tuna and 3 Bluefin Tuna! There is STILL LOTS of room on the Daiwa Pacific departing tonight at 9 PM! BOOK HERE This trip is a definite go, fishing offshore for TUNA and YELLOWTAIL!
The Mustang has called in with 50+ Yellowfin Tuna and 8 Bluefin Tuna and still fishing! The Mustang has a 1.75 day trip departing for sure Saturday morning at 11:00 AM! BOOK HERE
The Grande! 130 Yellowfin Tuna. There is lots of room on Saturday and Sunday’s full day trip, so don’t miss out! BOOK HERE
The Vendetta has LIMITS of Yellowtail and 2 Skipjack Tuna!
November 14, 2019
November 14, 2019
The Tuna are still going strong here at H&M Landing!
The Old Glory has overnight trips going out every night for the next 2 weeks. They have caught their limits of Yellowfin Tuna the past 2 days! Book here and now.
The Mustang is going out on 1.75 day trips several times a week targeting Bluefin Tuna, hook an opening and hop on here!
The Daiwa Pacific is going out on overnights tonight and tomorrow. The trips have just been put up and they will both be limited loads. Book while spots are still open here!
NEW TRIP for Saturday night just added!Relentless– overnight departing at 9pm! Book now!
November 13, 2019
November 13, 2019
The Season has yet to close the door on H&M anglers.
Bluefin and Yellowfin tuna continue to bite for our fleet as we head into the holidays….
Old Glory has limits (140) of Yellowfin Tuna on deck and 3 Bluefin Tuna! The Old Glory is a Definite Go departing at 9 PM TONIGHT! Book Now
Grande ended up with 140 Yellowfin Tuna (limits) on deck. Tomorrow’s Full Day Trip is a Definite Go departing at 5:30 AM. Book Now!
Mustang is back at the dock with 107 Yellowfin Tuna and 31 Bluefin Tuna.
Mustang 1.75 Day is a definite go departing tomorrow, Thursday, at 11 AM. $400 includes meals and Mexican permit. Book Now.
The Old Glory is returning tonight with 41 Yellowfin, 16 Bluefin and 4 Skipjack! The Old Glory is a definete go for tonight and Tuesday night. Come out and catch some November Tuna! BOOK NOW
The Grande caught 112 Yellowfin Tuna Today. Their next trip departs Wednesday morning! BOOK NOW
Morning Returns:
The Mustang has returned from a 1.75 day trip with 33 Yellowfin tuna between 30-60 lbs and 27 Bluefin between 50-70 lbs. They are heading right back out today at 11 am for another 1.75 day trip, book with them here!!
10 November 2019
November 10, 2019
Morning Returns:
The Producer returned this morning from a 1.5 day trip with 60 Yellowfin. Book with them on an upcoming 1.5 day trip here!!
The Sea Adventure 80 returned from a 2.75 day trip with their limits of Yellowfin. Their grand total is 255 Yellowfin, several of them up to 90 lbs!! Book with them while they still have spots open here!
The Ocean Odyssey returned this morning from a 1.5 day trip. They brought home 68 Yellowfin tuna as well as 3 Bluefin tuna.
On the water reports:
The Grande called in 210 Yellowfin tuna (LIMITS) & 22 Skipjack! They are a definite go tomorrow so book here!!
The Mustang reported 16 Bluefin tuna, all around 60-80 lbs with multiple losses of larger tuna. Keeping to their schedule of 1.75 day trips don’t forget to bring your heavy setups! Book here and now!!
The Old Glory is on an overnight calling in 165 Yellowfin between 30-50 lbs, as well as 9 Bluefin tuna up to 60 lbs!! The trip tonight is completely booked but hop on tomorrow nights trip here!!
The Vendetta’s private charter scored LIMITS of Yellowfin & 45 Skipjack!
November 9th 2019
November 9, 2019
The Grande reported 85 Yellowfin Tuna & 138 Yellowtail!
The Old Glory called in 157 Yellowfin (up to 60 lbs) & 1 Bluefin! Book your next overnight trip with them here!!
The Mustang came in with California limits of Yellowfin tuna from 30 to 60 lbs! They are back out today and next Monday they are going for sure!
This fishing is too good to sit at home and read about! Book now and get another shot at the best Yellowfin fishing in years!
November 8, 2019
November 8, 2019
Still Getting ‘Em….
LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna hit deck of the Sea Adventure 80 on the first of 2.75 Days.
Mustang is wrangling ’em up again with 140+ Yellowfin Tuna on deck weighing in from 30 lbs to 60 lbs. Mustang next departs Saturday at 11 AM on a 1.75 Day. $400. Book Now.
Ocean Odyssey 1.5 Day returned this morning with 210 Yellowfin Tuna (Limits fishing in U.S. waters) and 17 Bluefin Tuna.
It’s November and the fish are still biting. View our full trip calendar and book your next trip HERE!!!
Our boats are reporting big fish out there! Bluefin ranging in 100 lbs-150 lbs! Don’t get caught unprepared, bring heavy gear for your trip!
Morning Returns:
The Ocean Odyssey returned from a 1.5 day with 19 Yellowfin & 23 Bluefin! Get on board for the next one here!
The Producer returned from a 1.5 day trip with 8 Yellowfin and 8 Bluefin. Hop on their next trip going out here!
The Sea Adventure 80 returned from a 4.5 day trip with 60 Bluefin Tuna between 50 and 290 lbs, 30 Yellowfin Tuna between 30 and 80 lbs, 6 Yellowtail, 2 Bonito, 200 Rock Cod and 4 Skipjack!!! Book your next trip with them here!
Ocean Odyssey
November 2, 2019
November 2, 2019
The Grande reported limits of Yellowfin Tuna & 5 Bluefin Tuna!
The Legend on an overnight private charter reported 3 Bluefin Tuna and LIMITS of Yellowfin Tuna as of 10:45 AM!
Book a Spot on the Old Glory departing tonight at 9PM and get an extra hour included for free!!