March 6, 2025

Come see us at the Pacific Coast Sportfishing Festival Thursday-Sunday! Click here for times and schedules!

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!

The Old Glory has a 2 day departing Friday at 10AM!  They will be fishing freelance down the Mexican coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod! Book Here

The Horizon is GOING FOR SURE on their 1.5 day trip to Colonet leaving Friday at 6PM!  Book Here

Both the above mentioned trips require VALID PASSPORTS!

 1/2 Day  * Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


March 3, 2025

The Old Glory returned form their 2 Day trip with 314 Rockfish and 86 Lingcod !!

Click here to book your next trip on the Old Glory

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!

 1/2 Day  * Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

April 28, 2023

April 28, 2023

The Relentless called in with 15 YELLOWTAIL up to 15 LBS and still fishing!

Book on the Relentless Overnight:   7 PM Monday Night:   $340

Book Now!


Get On Board!

available departures:


Daiwa Pacific 1.5 Day:   7 PM:   $450:   Book Now


Legend 1.5 Day:   7 PM:   $450:   Book Now


Full Day:   5:30 AM:   Departure Options Vary: Book Now

Premier 1/2 Day:   6:30 AM-12:30 PM  or 1 PM-6:30PM:   $70 to $85:   Book Now

Whole Boat Charter  Dates still available. Check out the Fleet Here.

April 27, 2023

April 27, 2023

The Legend returns on their 1.5 Day trip with 38 Bluefin Tuna

The Relentless is GOING FOR SURE on their Overnight trip and has spots available!!!

 To book your next fishing trip



April 26, 2023

April 26, 2023


The Legend has 37 Bluefin Tuna on their 1.5 day and still fishing!

Book your spot on the next Legend trip HERE

Fish are ranging from 20 to 100+ pounds. Recommended tackle is 30-40 lb. setup for fly-lining during the day and 100+ lb. setup for nighttime jig fishing with 250-400 gram Jigs. Arrive early and our tackle shop can assist you with rentals, rigging and recommendations!


To see our full open party calendar with 1/2 day to multi-day trips click HERE


April 25, 2023

April 25, 2023

Legend is back at the dock with 42 Bluefin Tuna – 18 weighing in at 100+ lbs!

Daiwa Pacific 1.5 Day and Relentless Overnight depart Thursday at 7 pm.

Top Gun 80 2.5 Day and Jig Strike 1.5 Day depart Friday.

Book your Deep Sea Fishing Trip Today!


April 24, 2023

April 24, 2023

Fish on Deck !!!

Capt. Steve on the Legend called in with 26 Bluefin Tuna (40-150 lbs.) on their first morning of a 2 day trip !!!

The Legend has a trip departing Tuesday Click Here to book

The  Daiwa Pacific has a 1.5 day departing Thursday night!  Click Here to book

The Old Glory has a 1.5 day departing Friday night!  Click Here to book

The Excalibur has a 1.5 day departing Friday night!  Click Here to book

Click here for a complete list of all available trips!


April 23, 2023

April 23, 2023


The Legend returned from 2.5 days with 84 Bluefin (Limits) with fish to 180 pounds! Reserve the Legend!

The Old Glory returned with 41 yellowtail. Reserve the Old Glory!

The Excalibur returned with a handful of Bluefin all over 100. Reserve the Excalibur!

H&M Has departures daily. Book your adventure today!

April 22, 2022

April 22, 2023

Good Fishing!  Good Weather! 

 reported by H&M Landing boats on the Offshore grounds

The Grande on their full day offshore caught 6 Bluefin Tuna, 26 Bonito and 1 Yellowtail!  Book Now

Legend has 50+ Bluefin           Old Glory has 41+ Yellowtail         Relentless 8 Bluefin Tuna

both return Sunday morning.

Spring into the Season! 

Tight Lines to All Our Anglers!

upcoming departures:



Legend :   2 Day:    10 AM:   $620:   Book Now  (GOING FOR SURE!!!)


Grande :   Full Day:   5:30AM:   $240-$260:   Book Now

Premier :   1/2 Day:   6:30AM and 1:00 PM:   $70-$80:    The Premier on their 2 trips combined today caught 222 Rock fish, 2 Sheephead and 1 Sculpin!  Book Now


April 21, 2023

April 21, 2023

Old Glory  departs this evening for 1.5 Days! Space available.

 Legend  has LIMITS of Bluefin for the first of the 2.5 Day trip departed last night.

The Legend has a 2 day trip departing Sunday morning at 10 AM at this time it is a very 

light load!  Don’t miss this early Bluefin Tuna bite!  Book Here

Grande full day trips will target Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail OFFSHORE thru April! NO Passport is Needed. Book NOW!

The Daiwa Pacific has an overnight trip departing Saturday night at 8PM fishing for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail!  Book Here


April 20, 2023

April 20, 2023

The Bluefin Tuna are biting!  Boats have reported up to 26 Bluefin Tuna and very nice weather!

The Premier had 207 Rockfish for the AM Half Day trip. They are a GO FOR SURE on Friday for their Morning and Afternoon trips. They will be fishing deep water in the morning, be sure to bring your 10oz-16oz sinkers!

The Grande has switched their full day trips to offshore fishing for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail! They are GOING FOR SURE!!! this Saturday and Sunday morning!  (No passport needed)

The Old Glory is on the water today fishing for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail and is a GO FOR SURE!!!  on Friday!

The Legend is a GO FOR SURE!!! tonight for their 2.5 Day trip targeting Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail!

The Patriot has called in some Yellowtail on day 1 of a 2.5 day!




April 19, 2023

April 19, 2023

Good Morning Anglers! The Old Glory is GO FOR SURE tonight for their 1.5 Day trip targeting Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail!

April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023

The Premier is GOING FOR SURE!!! for Tuesday mornings 1/2 day departing at 6:30AM!  Captain Brandon said he will be fishing the deeper waters, if you do not have heavier sinkers just step into our tackle shop and they will set you up with what you need! Book Here 

The Premier departs daily at 6:30AM and 1PM!  Book Here

If you are looking for a longer trip just click here for a complete list of all our scheduled trips!





April 16, 2023

April 16, 2023

The Legend returned from a 2 day trip with 77 Bluefin Tuna and 5 Yellowtail !!!

Capt. Steve reports most bluefin were 20-50 Lbs. with some fish reaching triple digits

                                                              Click HERE to book your next trip on the Legend

Daiwa Pacific returned from a 1.5 day trip with 18 Yellowtail and 10 Bluefin Tuna !!!

                                                           Click HERE to book a trip on the Daiwa Pacific

Old Glory  returned this morning from a 1.5 Day trip with 9 Bluefin Tuna!!!

                                                                Click HERE to book your next trip on the Old Glory




April 15, 2023

April 15, 2023



on the water:

Legend: 1 of 2 days:     50 Bluefin Tuna (LIMITS) and 5 Yellowtail!

Daiwa Pacific: 1 of 1.5 days:     10 Bluefin Tuna and 5 Yellowtail 

Upcoming trips:

Old Glory: 1.5 day departing Wednesday at 7PM!  Book Here

Legend: 2.5 day departing Thursday at 7PM!  Book Here

Excalibur: 2 day departing Friday at 10AM!  Book Here

Old Glory: 1.5 day departing Friday at 7PM!  Book Here

check back for updates and final catch reports!

*1/2 Day   *   Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *

Good things comes to those who wait, but better is often opportunity of NOW. 


April 10, 2023

April 10, 2023

This just in, 25 Bluefin Tuna have been caught so far for today.  These fish are 20-50 pounders.

We have the following trips departing this week:

Old Glory-1.5 days departing Wednesday the 12th and Friday the 14th!  Book Here

Excalibur-3 day departing Thursday the 13th!  Book Here

Jig Strike-1.5 day departing Thursday the 13th!  Book Here

Legend-2Day departing Friday the 14th!  Book Here

Daiwa Pacific-1.5 day departing Friday the 14th!  Book Here

All these trips will be on the hunt for Bluefin Tuna and possibly Yellowtail!

There are lots of other available trips, just click here for our complete list of all trips!


April 9, 2023

April 8, 2023

Happy Easter!
H&M Landing Has Something for Everyone and Daily Departures

Book Today

The Old Glory returned from their 1.5 day trip with LIMITS of nice quality Reds and LIMITS of Rock cod!  Book here to reserve your next Old Glory 1.5 day trip

The Reel Champion also returned with LIMITS of Reds and LIMITS of Rock cod!  Book here for a Reel Champion charter

April 7, 2023

April 7, 2023

The Old Glory has a 1.5 GOING FOR SURE!!! departing tonight at 7PM.  At this time it is a very light load! Book Here

The sun is shining it should be a beautiful weekend.  We have 1/2 day and full day trips departing throughout the weekend!  Please click here to see our complete schedule of trips for the weekend and beyond!


April 3, 2023

April 3, 2023

The Season is just getting started, we have all of the boat’s Long Range fishing schedules on our web site. Click on this link to view and get your trip booked on your favorite boat!

The Old Glory has 1.5 day trips scheduled to fish offshore.  These are Freelance trips.  No passport is needed.  Book Here

The Daiwa Pacific is running full day trips now through April 14th. Book Here  Starting the 15th of April the Grande will be back on their full day runs out to the Coronado Islands!  Book Here  (For either trip a valid passport or passport card is required)

The Premier is back to their normal 1/2 day trips departing daily at 6:30AM or 1PM!  Book Here

Thank you to everyone one who stopped by the H&M Landing booth at the Bart Hall Fishing Show!


April 1, 2023

April 1, 2023

The Madness ends on March 31st APRIL 2nd!  That’s right, we extended it just for you!

Full Range of Open Party Trips are Available through 2023.  $25.00 off for a full day-1.75 day trips add code $25bookmeearly2023 for 2 day trip or longer code is $50bookmeearly2023 to get $50.00 off!

Don’t let time run out!

H&M Landing has Something for Everyone and Daily Departures.

Why wait?  Book Your 2023 Deep Sea Adventure Today.