March 6, 2025

Come see us at the Pacific Coast Sportfishing Festival Thursday-Sunday! Click here for times and schedules!

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!

The Old Glory has a 2 day departing Friday at 10AM!  They will be fishing freelance down the Mexican coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod! Book Here

The Horizon is GOING FOR SURE on their 1.5 day trip to Colonet leaving Friday at 6PM!  Book Here

Both the above mentioned trips require VALID PASSPORTS!

 1/2 Day  * Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


March 3, 2025

The Old Glory returned form their 2 Day trip with 314 Rockfish and 86 Lingcod !!

Click here to book your next trip on the Old Glory

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!

 1/2 Day  * Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


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P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

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Oct 30th 2015

November 2, 2015


Nature Cruise March 26, Saturday and March 27, Sunday

March 27, 2015

Passengers enjoyed the antics of a large pod of common dolphins as they headed
southwest Saturday morning.  Almost immediately after the dolphin extravaganza,
passengers viewed the courtship behavior of two or three Eastern Pacific gray
whales.  As always, passengers enjoyed seeing the hundreds of sea lions, many
harbor seals and a few remaining elephant seals on The Coronados Islands.  As
the tide was low, many black oyster catchers were spotted feeding on the mussels
– their favorite food.  After a tour of the Islands, four more gray whales were
spotted on their northern trek.  Several of the passengers expressed interest in
the upcoming blue whale trips and overnight trips to Los Coronados this summer.
Whalers Judy and Diane were happy to be on board for this terrific cruise to
the Islands.

Light rain showers Sunday morning did not dampen the passengers’ enthusiasm for
seeing at least 10 to 12 fin whales feeding; three of which ventured very close
to the vessel, allowing all to see just how large these animals truly are.
Several of these whales traveled together in a line on their search for food.
Whalers Terry and Diane had not seen so many fin whales in one location this
season and were thrilled with the sighting.  A few bottlenose dolphin were seen
as we left San Diego and upon the return trip from the Islands.  Sea lions,
harbor seals, elephant seals and the sea birds delighted passengers as always.
Sunny skies and a very glassy sea made for a pleasant return to San Diego, with
spouts of gray whales seen in the distance.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise March 19, Saturday

March 19, 2015

Light rain showers cleared early, making for an enjoyable Nature Cruise for
passengers joining San Diego Natural History Museum Whalers Laurie and Uli on
Saturday.  Everyone on board got a good look at a northbound pod of five Eastern
Pacific Gray Whales, followed by a pod of dolphin.  Harbor seals, elephant seals
and great numbers of sea lions were observed in their natural habitat….as well
as many of the sea birds found on Los Coronados.  Passengers, as always, also
enjoyed Captain Ben’s narration of the colorful history of the islands.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise March 17, Thursday

March 17, 2015

The “Luck of the Irish” was with passengers on board today’s Nature
Cruise…..good sightings of 12 gray whales, including a young whale that
breached six times!  Additionally, spouts of 20 different gray whales were seen
as we transited to Los Coronados Islands.  A small pod of Pacific white-sided
dolphins swam by the vessel; soon a megapod of hundreds, if not thousands, of
common dolphins were observed jumping, tail slapping, and generally having a
great time, as were the passengers.  A few elephant seals remain at Sunset Cove,
and many harbor seals and their young were spotted.  One brown booby chick was
spotted in a nest with its parents, and a few pelican chicks were seen in the
many nests on Dead Man’s Island.  Entering San Diego Harbor, we were briefly
escorted by a few bottlenose dolphins, ending a day with terrific sightings of
marine mammals and birds.  One couple exclaimed to me, “This was the trip of a

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise March 12 and 13, Saturday and Sunday

March 13, 2015

Passengers on Saturday‘s Nature Cruise were thrilled when they came upon
approximately 2,000 common dolphins frolicking in the water, tail slapping and
high jumping, as well as surfing the wake of the vessel.  The elephant seals,
harbor seals with their pups and hundreds of sea lions were enthusiastically
observed.  Many brown pelicans were seen on their nests, and in one nest three
chicks were observed feeding.  Passengers also got to watch part of the northern
migration of three Eastern Pacific gray whales.  Perhaps due to the recent
earthquake/tsunami, the swells were higher than on most Nature Cruises.
Nonetheless, passengers, along with Museum Whalers Sheri and Diane, enjoyed the

Sunday the ocean had calmed and passengers enjoyed seeing three of the four
local species of dolphins, including Pacific white-sided, common and offshore
bottlenose.  In the morning three northbound gray whales were observed, one
showing its flukes several times.  A very young brown boobie chick was seen in
its nest high on Bird Rock.  Several black oyster catchers were seen as well as
a hybrid black/American oyster catcher.  The highlight of the day was watching a
pod of five gray whales exhibiting mating behavior, closely followed by some
offshore bottlenose dolphins.  A group of “birders” from Indiana were thrilled
to see so many birds they had never before observed.  Whalers Gaynell and Diane,
along with all the passengers, thoroughly enjoyed the day on the water.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise March 5 and 6, Saturday and Sunday

March 5, 2015

Passengers joining whalers Judy and Diane had a great day on the water on
Saturday–warm day, calm seas.  Everyone enjoyed seeing hundreds of dolphins
feeding, followed by a good sighting of four Eastern Pacific Gray Whales on
their northern migration.  Several black oyster catchers were spotted, and all
enjoyed the graceful flight of the brown boobies.  Once again, the Nature Cruise
was a very enjoyable experience for all on board.

Saturday the weather was a little less welcoming, with a cool breeze and
somewhat choppy seas due to a storm headed our way.  In spite of somewhat
uncomfortable conditions, passengers and whalers Terry and Diane were thrilled
by the antics of a megapod of common dolphins–probably more than 1,000.  A
minke whale was spotted, but it seemed a day of “disappearing whales.”  After
enjoying the elephant seals, sea lions and harbor seals, and many sea birds, a
couple more spouts were sighted–but once again we were “given the slip” by the
sneaky whales.  Right before entering San Diego Bay the blows of another whale
were observed…and once again the whale got away before we got a good look –
unusual day, but passengers had a good time and many expressed interest in
returning for one of the summer’s blue whale cruises.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise February 27, Sunday

February 27, 2015

After a stormy couple days, passengers, along with Whaler Ida, enjoyed a great
Nature Cruise.  A couple northbound gray whales were sighted on the way to the
Islands, but they were somewhat elusive.  Several hundred common dolphins were
spread out over quite a large area, apparently feeding.  Close to the small
island, passengers were treated to a sight rarely seen on cruises–mating gray
whales!  Of course all were delighted with the islands’ bounty of harbor seals,
elephant seals and many species of birds.  All on board had a wonderful time!

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise February 12, Saturday

February 12, 2015

Passengers joining San Diego Natural History Museum Whalers Alan and Heather on
the Bright and Morning Star were treated to watching gray whales on both their
northbound and southbound journeys.  The three southbound whales were being
harassed by a pod of 100 common dolphins.  It was interesting that the two
groups of whales appeared to meet up for a short period of time.  Additionally,
three other pods of common dolphins were sighted–bringing the total number of
dolphins seen for the day to the neighborhood of 2,000–always a fantastic
sight!  Twenty harbor seals were viewed at Pirate’s Cove; and two of the
elephant seal pups at elephant seal beach were still nursing.  Twenty-eight
species of birds were observed; including the black oystercatcher and brown
boobies.   As always, passengers and whalers alike enjoyed their day on the
wonderful Nature Cruise.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise February 10-Thursday and February, 11 – Friday

February 10, 2015

Tourists from Sweden, the midwest and northeast loved the beautiful weather and
conditions for the Nature Cruise on both Thursday and Friday.  Thursday’s
passengers enjoyed seeing the hundreds of dolphins, the many marine mammals on
Los Coronados and a sighting of a humpback whale.  The passengers on Friday’s
cruise also enjoyed the many dolphins, sea lions, elephant seals and their pups,
and the brown boobies, including getting a good look at a fluffy chick.
Additionally, they enjoyed watching two gray whales as they journeyed south.
Highlighting the afternoon, all on board were treated to a fabulous performance
by a humpback whale, playing in and with a kelp patty, spy-hopping, and tail
slapping–surfacing once extremely close to the bow of the boat, giving everyone
on board  a real good look at the playful whale.  More dolphins accompanied the
vessel on the return trip to San Diego.  One of the passengers exclaimed, “You
would not find a trip like this anywhere in the world!”  Museum Whalers Judy and
Diane couldn’t agree more….

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise February 5, Saturday

February 5, 2015

If you had been on the Nature Cruise to Los Coronados today, you would have
seen a breaching humpback whale (was it the one from the Pacific Life
commercial?); fin whales, gray whales, hundreds, if not thousands of common
dolphins, Risso’s dolphins, and bottlenose dolphins, in addition to elephant
seals and their pups, harbor seals, and sea lions, and too many sea birds to
name–another beautiful day on the water!  San Diego Natural History Museum
Whalers Sheri and Heather, along with
all the passengers on board had a fantastic time.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise January 28, Friday

January 26, 2015

Passengers joined San Diego Natural History Museum Whalers Heather and Judy on
Friday, January 28 for another fantastic day on the water.  They were treated to
seeing 15 gray whales, one doing a “half breach,” a mom and calf pair, and lots
of common dolphins as well as Pacific white-sided dolphins, putting on a
terrific show for all.  Heather, an excellent “birder,” as well as “whaler”
spotted 20 species of birds on the Los Coronados Islands and was very happy with
the experience.  They reported all passengers were thrilled with the cruise.

On Sunday, January 30, passengers, accompanied by Whaler Diane, were in for a
bit more of a rocky ride, due to an approaching storm system.  Though there were
more whitecaps, passengers still were able to see at least 12 gray whales,
enjoyed seeing the Brown Boobies and chick on “Bird Rock,” and saw lots of sea
stars due to a very low tide.  Common dolphins entertained passengers bow-riding
the boat on the return trip to San Diego.  Although there were a few raindrops,
and quite a bit of wind, passengers were thrilled with seeing all the wonderful
life, not only on Los Coronados, but on the beautiful Pacific Ocean.  This has
been a phenomenal year for seeing lots of gray whales on their journey to the
lagoons of Baja, California.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise February 3, Thursday

January 26, 2015

A cool, crisp morning, and calm seas, greeted passengers on the Bright and
Morning Star as they headed out to Los Coronados Islands.  Not too far out of
the harbor, a juvenile gray whale was spotted.  This whale kept everyone
guessing as to where it would surface, and wasn’t yet comfortable in its skin,
as it apparently wanted to maintain a low profile.  Heading further out, all
enjoyed the antics of a pod of common dolphin who were enjoying their Thursday
morning brunch.  Lots of harbor seals lounged on the shore of Pirates’ Cove, on
South Coronado Island, and passengers enjoyed them, black oystercatchers, and
then the elephant seals and their young on the other side of South Island.  More
elephant seals and their pups were viewed on “Sunset Beach” on Middle Island.
Brown boobies and a couple chicks were observed on Bird Rock, and then it was
on to North Coronado Island (Dead Man’s Island).  Everyone enjoyed seeing all
the sea lions, some of which jumped off the Island, thinking the vessel to be
“Moody’s Lunch Wagon.”  Shortly thereafter was the call, “thar she blows,” – and
a total of six fin whales were observed.  All passengers were in awe of these
immense whales and their tall blows!  The majority of passengers were from
Canada or Minnesota, and few had ever seen a whale – so they were especially
thrilled.  Then it was back to San Diego, all on board tired in a good way from
a wonderful day on the water.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise May 7 & 8, 2011

May 9, 2011

Bottlenose dolphins greeted Bright & Morning Star passengers Saturday morning as
they left San Diego Bay….always a good start to a Nature Cruise.  A little
farther out, a small group of young common dolphins were observed–and
heard….. then we got a special treat– a really good viewing of three blue
whales and a couple blue whales in the distance.  Two of the blue whales showed
their tail flukes when diving.  A good-sized mola mola was spotted as we went on
to the Islands.  The sea lions, harbor seals and elephant seals on Los Coronados
Islands never fail to please passengers, and many got to watch a baby brown
booby chick being fed by its mom.  Great day on the water.  Whalers Judy L. and
Ruth and all the passengers on board enjoyed the trip immensely.

A blue whale was observed on Sunday’s cruise in the same area as Saturday‘s blue
whales were seen….though not as cooperative as those seen on Saturday….it is
always fantastic and special to see such a magnificent animal.    As we headed
toward Dead Man’s Island….there it was….a breach…a humpback; we slowed
down to a crawl and this energetic whale put on a fantastic show for all of
us….quite a Mothers’ Day treat.  So many breaches and fin slaps, it even came
within 20 or 30 feet of the boat hurling its body out of water…..everyone was
wowed!  Three young mola mola’s (ocean sunfish) were also observed.  The marine
mammals on the islands, as always, were appreciated by all, and once again the
brown booby chick was seen being fed by its mom.  The trip back was quite
blustery; but everyone accompanying the crew and Museum Whalers Rosie and Diane
agreed it was a fantastic tour.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise April 30, 2011

April 30, 2011

Windy conditions causing white-capped seas hampered viewing of cetaceans on
today’s cruise.  Enthusiastic passengers were happy to see some bottlenose
dolphins as we approached and left Los Coronados.  One very large mola mola was
seen by some of the passengers on our trip to the Islands.  Everyone enjoyed
seeing the masses of sea lions, as well as several elephant and harbor seals
residing on the Islands.  A highlight was a very good viewing of a baby Brown
Booby chick, in addition to nesting brown pelicans and cormorants.  The Islands
are still green and many wildflowers are in bloom–always a treat to see.
Passengers appreciated the information provided by Judy P., and Ida, Museum
Whalers on today’s trip.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise April 23, 2011

April 23, 2011

Breezy, white-capping conditions in the morning thwarted attempts to see
dolphins and whales as the Nature Cruise ventured to Los Coronados.  The seas
calmed by the time we reached the Islands, and the sea lions, elephant seals,
harbor seals and many nesting birds delighted all the passengers.  Shortly after
departing the Islands, Captain Ben announced a blow was seen…..and what a blow
it was—-a magnificent blue whale!  What a treat to see this huge baleen whale
so early in the season.  Passengers and whalers Judy and Diane got several good
looks at this huge creature….the blue whale thought to be the largest mammal
ever on earth.  Saturday‘s cruise turned into another fantastic day on the

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise April 21, 2011

April 21, 2011

Weather forecasters predicted a rather drizzly day…..they were wrong!  Was a
terrific day out on the water–great visibility, calm seas, and very comfortable
temperature.  Several of the Navy dolphin training boats were spotted, both on
San Diego Bay and in the Pacific….as well as a few of the Atlantic bottle nose
dolphins being trained.  As we headed out into the Pacific, sporadic dolphins
and sea lions were seen…..and then a blow….a fin whale–we got several good
views of the whale and could even see the chevron on the whale’s back.  While
viewing the whale, a pod of dolphins was seen approaching–we got to see a
nursery group of common dolphins…many very small.  In a short while a couple
minke whales, the smallest of the rorquals were spotted…one even breaching in
the distance; and then we got a special bow rider–a very large offshore bottle
nose dolphin.  The sea lions, harbor seals and elephant seals were seen on and
around Los Coronados…as well as the brown boobies, and several other sea-going
birds.  A great day on the ocean had to end, but as we headed into San Diego
Bay, we were able to watch a mom and calf gray whale–as much as everyone
enjoyed seeing them, all were hoping they would exit the busy San Diego Bay very
soon. for their own safety!  Another special day on the water enjoyed by
passengers, crew, and whalers Judy and Diane.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011

Passengers joining whalers Jack and Alan really had a spectacular
dolphin-watching day!  Twenty bottlenose dolphins enjoyed bow riding the vessel,
followed by an encounter with a megapod of approximately 2,000 dolphins.  All
enjoyed the many marine mammals and birds residing in and around the Islands,
and on the return trip all enjoyed watching the courting ritual of two humpback
whales!   Everyone on board had a wonderful time.

Saturday, April 16
A small pod of bottlenose dolphins escorted the Bright and Morning Star in and
out of San Diego Bay on Saturday.  Passengers joining whalers Ruth and Diane
were thrilled watching a pod of common dolphins, which included some very young
animals.  Everyone on board enjoyed the many marine mammals and birds on the
Islands.   Pelicans and cormorants were observed feeding their young.  Several
jellyfish were spotted in the water.  On the return trip, the spouts and flukes
of a humpback whale were seen; however this whale was quite elusive as was a
minke whale spotted by one of the passengers and Diane.  A mom and calf gray
whale were then observed….the mom usually only blowing bubbles instead of
spouting, to maintain her low profile in the water–a good mom!  The day was
warm and the Islands beautiful….another terrific day on the water.

Submitted by Whaler Diane

Nature Cruise April 10, 2011

April 10, 2011

Shortly after leaving the dock, passengers joining Museum Whalers Judy and Diane
on board the Bright and Morning Star were able to see a couple of the Navy’s
Atlantic bottlenose dolphins on a training exercise in San Diego Bay.  Heading
to the Los Coronados Islands, some young common dolphins were seen enjoying
Sunday morning brunch.  A small school of Mola Mola’s was noted, followed by
sightings of a couple of larger Mola’s.   The blows of whales were soon spotted,
and everyone got to observe three humpback whales.  Soon the whales were chased
by a pod of offshore bottlenose dolphins…..though the whales didn’t breach
this morning, the dolphins certainly did!   All were delighted with the elephant
seals, harbor seals and sea lions which populate three of the four Islands, and
of course the myriad of sea birds.    One couple from the East coast exclaimed
they had been on many whale watches, but they did not compare with the relaxing
nature of this cruise as well as the sightings of all the marine mammals.
Another passenger from Chicago said she would be sure to return to San Diego
and go out on another Nature Cruise.  As always, this was a great day on the

Submitted by Whaler Diane