March 13, 2025

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above

$50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!


Old Glory (2 Days) Departing at 10AM on March 21st and the 28th! Fishing down the Baja Coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod!  (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here

Producer (2.5 Days) Departing at 7PM on March 21st and March 28th!  Fishing Offshore for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail! (No passport needed) Book the Producer here

Horizon (1.5 Days) Departing at 6PM on March 21st and March 28th!  Fishing Colonet for Rock cod Ling cod and possibly Yellowtail! (Passport REQUIRED) Book Here

We have 1/2 day trips scheduled every day thru the weekend! Book your 1/2 day trip here

3/4 day trips fishing in Mexico for Rock cod departs on Saturdays and Sundays at 7:30AM! (Passport is REQUIRED)  Book Here

Lobster Season ends on the 18th!  There are still openings for March 18th! Book Here


March 6, 2025

Come see us at the Pacific Coast Sportfishing Festival Thursday-Sunday! Click here for times and schedules!

Book a full day up to 1.5 day and save$25.00.  Just put in the above  $25.00 off code at check out!  For 2 day trips or longer put in the above $50.00 code at check out! (Restrictions apply)

You can also get MARCH MADNESS deals on tackle and clothing by going to our on-line shop here!

The Old Glory has a 2 day departing Friday at 10AM!  They will be fishing freelance down the Mexican coast for Bluefin, Yellowtail, Rock cod and Ling cod! Book Here

The Horizon is GOING FOR SURE on their 1.5 day trip to Colonet leaving Friday at 6PM!  Book Here

Both the above mentioned trips require VALID PASSPORTS!

 1/2 Day  * Full Day   *   Overnight   *   Multi-Day *  Complete Calendar


See Older News

Contact Info

P: (619) 222-1144 F: (619) 222-0784 E: Location:
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106

Fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Ailing Ohio teen gets special treatment here

January 4, 2016

The giving spirit is alive and well in the hearts of San Diegans as one good deed blossomed into another, then another, for a visiting family from Oberlin, Ohio.

A Special Wish Foundation is Ohio’s version of the nonprofit Make-A-Wish Foundation created to grant special requests to children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.

Kyle Riggs, 17, has Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Instead of the often-requested trip to Disneyland, Kyle wanted to come to San Diego to see the zoo, safari park, SeaWorld, a Chargers game and, especially, to go ocean fishing.

The foundation covered or secured donations for the flights, nine-day San Diego Marriott stay and rental car for Kyle, his mom, Cindy Carrico, and his sister, Cayla. 13. The San Diego Zoo and Safari Park offered complimentary passes.

When Marcia Allen, of the Ohio foundation, asked H&M Landing for a discount on a private charter for Kyle and his family, its staff contacted charter Capt. John Guest. He not only offered the trip for free (a $1,000 value), he called some of his friends.

As a result, the Everingham Brothers Bait Co. is donating the bait and Capt. Guest’s past employer at Toyota of Escondido is underwriting the fuel cost and lunch.

Kyle arrived Monday, too late to see the final Chargers home game, but when Capt. Guest learned that Kyle was a Chargers fan, he contacted the team’s front office and was assured the Chargers would arrange a special surprise for Kyle.

H&M Landing employees asked state Fish and Wildlife folks to donate or discount the family’s fishing licenses. Upon finding out that wasn’t possible, staff members chipped in to pay the license cost.

Kyle’s half-day fish outing is set to depart at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow with Capt. Guest at the helm. The name of Guest’s fishing boat says it all: “Faith.”

Original article by Diane Bell | Dec. 23, 2015 | The San Diego Union-Tribune
Click here to see the full article.